18 ❀ I always used to wonder why things ended

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

SHE GLARED AT HIM, "YOU CAN'T JUST DO that." Even though he didn't know she was Y/n, she knew he was Finn; better yet, she knew he had just married.

Flirting with women, he thinks he doesn't know it isn't something she thought he would do.

"Don't be so upset," He calmly spoke, as if he didn't just try to seduce his way to get her to remove her mask. His features looked sharp when he turned his attention back to the room around him. Finn felt her silently analyzing him but ignored it.

"If you want to know what's in my locker so bad, you're only going to see a bag of pads." A lie. There were pads in the locker but only in one of her bags.

The locker was only filled with childish stickers and pictures of her and Claudia and Abigail. Since she decided to decorate it, she grew to enjoy decorating small things.

She didn't have the drive to decorate things that took her longer than she wanted.

If Finn opened it, it would not be suitable for business. For Y/n and even the club, no way in hell would he still be here if so was she.

What Finn doesn't know won't hurt him, and men are a bit weird regarding menstrual cycles. But weirdly, that excluded him. Finn didn't react at all. What's so strange about something so natural?

Sadie gets monthly periods, and being the best fiancé before marrying her, Finn made her feel like the top priority. She was giving was given anything she wanted and went to the store to buy pads or chocolate.

"I'm just giving you a hard time," Finn told her, adjusting his sleeves.

It was early December, and the snow wasn't sticking yet, but the air was cold. So his jacket made sense, being rather long, only stopping at his knee. But in this burning building?

The attire made him look handsome, super handsome.

Finn sucked his cheeks, turning back around. "Also, that guy at the bar told me girls here are giving you a hard time." Y/n was starting to fumble with the lock of her locker.

She babbled, "No, I'm not. And don't listen to him; he doesn't know what he's talking about." Y/n wasn't facing him; she expected him to leave it, but Finn wasn't buying it.

"He's probably just worried." Finn shrugged. "Why would he? I don't know that man."

True. But Finn wanted to know if she was telling the truth or trying to protect them. It's not like he would fire anyone, even if he said Y/n he would; it was a lie.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now