58 ❀ But can I really trust you?

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August 21-23

**✿❀ ❀✿**

ABIGAIL IS WAITING IN THE COURTYARD after the bell ring at three o clock. The nice teachers are watching the kids as their parents pick them up. A little boy is crying around two kids from the grade above them; one is kicking dirt over what looks to be a toy.

"Crybaby!" Abigail's curiosity got the better of her, even though these kids were older than her and the boy in her class. "He— he is not a crybaby." She stutters sassily, putting her hands on her hips.

Each of the little kids from kindergarten to second grade was given name tags on their shirts, decorating them however they saw fit. Abigail's name tag had the type of flowers she sees in the sky when she watches SpongeBob and a poorly drawn cat.

"Yes, he is. He won't stop crying." The little boy on the floor picks up his toy and tries to dust off the dirt. "My momma cries, and she's a big girl." The two kids laugh at her, making Abigail blink in confusion, dropping her hands from her sides.

"Hey!" A deep voice stops the kids from their continuation on tormenting the little boy; the four of the kids turn and see what looks to be maybe his dad. "Go away. Or I'll call your teachers over here."

When he gets closer, the two boys are already running away, "Are you okay, Zoe?" The older man helps; the younger boy stands up before glancing at Abigail. "His name is Zoe?" She points up at him, squinting due to the sun in her eyes.

Zoe rubs away his tears, "I'm Abigail. Look, my shoes!" She jumps high for the twentieth time today to show off her light-up shoes. Zoe laughs through the small tear that lingered on his cheek.

"Sorry your first day was so bad, bud." The man bends down to his little cousin's height. Abigail stops jumping and leans closer, curious, "I hate my name; people always make fun of me." Zoe sniffs, staring down in shame.

"I like your name!" Abigail shouts proudly; Zoe and his cousin turned to Abigail. She attempts to recite the alphabet but forgets several of them, but the only ones that matter in this situation are the A and the Z. "Abigail, Zoe." She points at herself before pointing back at the boy.

"Is everything alright?" Y/n is a bit out of breath from running to see what happened, assuming the worst, but when she approaches them, Abigail looks to be making a friend. "Yeah, sorry. Is this your sister?" The man stands up, pointing at Abigail.

He's attractive; in fact... he's beautiful. Y/n shakes her head, placing her hand on Abigail's head. "No, she's my daughter." The man turns pale, embarrassed for assuming that. She looks young, after all. "I'm sorry, I just assumed—"

Y/n laughs, placing her hand out. "Don't worry; I get it. My name is Y/n." The man also extends him; connecting their palms, he introduces himself.

"My name is Averie."

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