27 ❀ Our poisoned dawn

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December 24

**✿❀ ❀✿**

CLAUDIA LOVES EGGS; IN FACT, SHE LOVES them so much that she would buy cute little egg-themed cartoonish figurines. She enjoys any kind of breakfast food like pancakes and waffles— but eggs are an easy and simple food.

When Y/n first met Claudia, Y/n was about four months pregnant. Claudia was wandering in different aisles in the middle of a WinCo when they crossed paths. Claudia was in the dairy section, specifically, a dozen of eggs in hand, once Y/n came up to her.

Maybe if Claudia weren't wearing a red shirt that day, Y/n wouldn't have approached her to ask where their tomato sauce was, mistaking her as an employee. If Claudia didn't give her a weird look, ultimately making Y/n feel ten times embarrassed, she wouldn't have felt bad about Y/n's overbearing apologies.

The two only had known each other briefly, but Y/n took their friendship as a sign that things were getting better. Y/n trusted her quickly because Claudia did the same. Telling each other stories about how shitty their parents were, but since Y/n still lived with her mother at the time, it was difficult to complain.

Claudia was 18 but still in high school from being held back in kindergarten because she wasn't speaking. And so, instead of going home to her empty family after school, she went to Catherine's house to see pregnant Y/n.

When Y/n fell into labor, she and Claudia were in the middle of a Little Ceaser's to pick up a hot & ready as her water broke. "You couldn't have held it in until we got outside, Y/n? Look, this poor kid is about to faint, and now he must clean up after your pee." Claudia was last in the store to realize Y/n didn't pee but was going into labor.

"Oh shit! Your water broke, Y/n!"

"No, really? I didn't notice." Y/n sarcastically snapped, sitting in the passenger seat.

Since Claudia wasn't family, she couldn't go into the labor room. Unfortunately, Claudia insisted that she didn't go either way. She was leaving Y/n to give birth alone with only her mother in the room.

Claudia typically fell asleep anywhere, and she could fall asleep in the ice cold on a bench if she wanted to and still have the best sleep. But she couldn't sleep for the 14 hours in the waiting room. Even when nurses came by to provide blankets and such, she declined. And when Catherine suggested she drive home, Claudia still declined.

Catherine was in the cafeteria when Y/n woke up from giving birth, and nobody could hold the baby until the mother woke up because she passed out before she could even hold her.

Nobody knew this, only Y/n and Claudia, but after Y/n held her unnamed baby, Claudia was the first to hold it afterward.

"What should I name her?" Y/n groggily passed Abigail to Claudia.

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