37 ❀ My mind truly belongs to you

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January 20th
**✿❀ ❀✿**

SADIE AND Y/N, THOUGH OPPOSITES, were similar in many ways. The love of a father was foreign to both, though they coped in different ways. Sadie's need for perfection stemmed from not feeling worthy enough to have a father.

Y/n's perfection resulted from an imperfect mother who pushed the image of being perfect, though Catherine was anything but a good mother. And that drove Y/n to be the perfect mother. Giving her daughter what Catherine failed to provide her with, love and a father.

Y/n wanted to live vicariously through Abigail.

"So, that's your plan? Sounds evil, but can I ask why?" Sadie sipped her coffee when the unknown person asked the burning question.

They were at a small coffee shop that not many people went to. So they didn't have to worry about running into anyone. "What is motivating you to do this?"

Sadie sighed, placing down her cup. "Y/n has his child." The person had gotten green tea, but it had gone cold while they listened to Sadie. "I thought you said you were pregnant?"

"Of course, I'm not pregnant. But Finn doesn't know that. He thinks that I think our unborn baby was a girl when I was decorating the spare room we had." Sadie said she was leaning into the table so her words didn't spill out to any ease-droppers.

"But you know who does have a girl?"

"So... when you have a fake miscarriage... that room will be for Y/n's daughter?" The pieces were coming together slowly; Sadie almost clapped excitedly when they finally got it. "Exactly. And who will say no to a mother who just lost her baby? Heartless people."

Sadie would offer her unused, beautifully decorated room for Abigail, hoping that whatever happens in the future will lead Y/n to appear as though she wasn't suitable to keep Abigail. "And you're sure that Finn will let this happen?"

She almost rolled her eyes at the stupid question. "What part of a mother who just lost their baby don't you understand? Of course, Finn will. He lost a baby, too; he will want to keep Abigail."

The person hummed once they understood that part. "And what about this whole stripper thing?" They touched their cup, checking if it was still warm. "Taking away Y/n's only source of income. But also knowing that my Finn has to be subjected to that, I would be a terrible wife not to stop it."

Delusional. Delusional. Sadie thought she was helping Finn secondhand. "Now that you understand. There's a reason I called you over here. It's because I need you to do something for me."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

DELGADO SAT THERE IN SHOCK WHEN Finn said he would not continue business with him. The work he had spent building for years is now gone. "We can discuss any legal things; I know we agreed that if I ended the contract prematurely, I would owe you a sum of half a hundred grand."

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now