30 ❀ Will you still be mine when my secrets out?

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January 1st
**✿❀ ❀✿**

WHEN Y/N WOKE UP ON THE FIRST DAY OF the year, the snow was said to be coming late. Maybe it was a sign from the gods that Y/n would live a winter without misfortune. Stupid to assume and even more foolish to believe in such superstitions.

It wasn't like she believed in these ideas, but Y/n couldn't help it.

Her first warning was that something was mustering up at the pit of her stomach when the boiling coffee poured directly at her bare feet.

"Fuck!" She screeched, aggressively slamming the coffee pot on the counter.

Y/n should've known better, she should've seen this as a warning, but no thought of suspicion alarmed her. "You look cray-cray," Claudia commented when she entered the kitchen.

"Gee, thanks, Claudia." She muttered before cleaning up the coffee mess.

"It's the New Year, so what do you got planned?" Claudia hopped on the counter while Y/n tried to make something for Abigail. "Probably nothing, I have a shift today, but that's about it."

"Boring..." She moaned. "You should call out, and we spend our first day of the new year together!"

Y/n shook her head while she walked out with her coffee in hand. "Can't, Claud. Plus, my co-worker Dalia needs me to drive her home."

Claudia followed behind her. "Boo hoo, she can call out too; better yet, why don't you invite her?" She let the top half of her body hang on the couch's armrest.

"No, Claudia, Let me just drink in peace." She huffed but obliged her friend's wishes before sitting beside her on the couch. "Abby!" Y/n called out, and little pats on the wooden flooring were heard.

"Yes, momma?"

"What do you want for breakfast, Brownie?" Abigail shrugged, climbing onto her mother's lap. "You should make something out of that cookbook I got you." Y/n frowned at Claudia's words that reminded her of when Claudia's Christmas gift to Y/n was a damn cookbook.

"Because you can cook, now you learn." Claudia smiled. "Claudia, Are you sure you didn't get this for yourself? So I can cook you food?"


Y/n picked up the cookbook and looked through the contents. "I don't know; these recipes look challenging." She complained, reading thoroughly one of the breakfast dishes. "Don't be such a wimp; You're not going to make it alone."

Abigail requested pancakes with chocolate chips; fortunately, Claudia had bought some this week. "Ugh, you're so lucky Abby wanted something easy. I wanted a breakfast burrito." Claudia acted as though she would help, but instead, she was standing around the kitchen.

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