45 ❀ Staying in the roots, I fall in love

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February 12

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Y/N PICKED OUT A CUTE PANDA-THEMED outfit for Abigail—A nice and cozy sweater with a soft panda face in the middle that was slightly big. "You look so cute, my little flower." Y/n picked her daughter up in a hug.

"Momma! I'm a big girl." She giggled, trying to jump out of her mother's arms. "But I want you to be a baby forever! Stop growing so fast." Y/n spun around with Abigail still in her arms.

When Y/n released Abigail from her hug, Abigail jumped up with clapping hands. "I'm going to ice cream with Uncle Jaeden and Uncle Finn?!" Y/n winced at that, bending down to Abigail's height.

"About that, baby—" Her phone rang before she could finish her sentence, and maybe it was for the better. Finn would want to be present for something like telling Abigail she's his.

To her surprise, Alice was with Jaeden and Finn when they arrived at her apartment, along with Alice's twin girls— Lucy and Lily, who were celebrating their fifth birthday today hence the sudden invitation to go out for ice cream. And Finn only remembered last night.

It was a relatively warm day, so if it got too hot, Y/n reminded Finn to take off Abigail's sweater. Since Abigail isn't precisely aware when she's too hot, it will be up to Finn to determine that. "Please, don't go behind my back." She frowned at Finn when she handed him Abigail's car seat.

Sadie was in the passenger side, and this large Tahoe felt like some flex towards Y/n. At least that's what Viv felt when she stood on the balcony watching the altercation between Finn and Y/n.

"We're only going to get ice cream and go to the park. My parents are coming to celebrate the twins' birthday later tonight." Finn replied in defense. Yeah, whatever.

Alice and Jaeden hopped off the car, too, greeting Y/n while Finn installed the car seat for Abigail. "Where did you get Abigail's outfit? It's so cute!" Alice looked behind her to see Abigail wave to the other little girls through the front window of the large vehicle.

Jaeden stood there listening as if he was a mother as well. He felt someone staring at him as a result; he glanced up, making eye contact with the blonde girl who was leaning over the railing. "Who's that?"

Y/n and Alice cut their conversation short when they followed Jaeden's eyes. "That's my friend, Viv." When Alice and Y/n returned to their discussion, Jaeden looked directly at Viv with interest, making her uncomfortable by staring even though she was doing it first. Creeper.

Finn buckled Abigail in her car seat, and Y/n slid beside him in the opened door. "Have fun, my little brownie baby!" Y/n gushed, grabbing her daughter's face before giving her many kisses all over her face— due to this, laughter erupted in the car Abigail.

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