61 ❀ Heaven rained on me

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October 2-3

**✿❀ ❀✿**

BACK IN HIGHSCHOOL, WHEN Y/N FIRST tried Alcohol, she knew she had to find it elsewhere besides her mother's collection. But she didn't know where. Y/n heard that one of the higher-grade boys in her school was selling Alcohol down the road.

"Aren't you Y/n?" The boy asked; he was taller and older than Y/n and sat behind the academic B building. "I want some of your wine." Y/n blurted.

The older boy laughed, grabbing his stomach. "Wine? What am I, an old lady?" He laughed, "Well, what do you have?"

His gaze darkened, and wiggling his eyebrows as he dug through his backpack. "If you like wine, you'll love this even more." Placing the big bottle of hard liquor in her smaller hand in comparison.

"Since it's your first time, it's on the house. Come back if you want more." The boy smiled as he watched the hesitant small girl shove the bottle into her backpack.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

TODAY WAS THE FIRST DAY OF THE PTA committee meeting, it was only going to be an hour long, but Y/n and Alice were still attending. "Come on, now, girls. No fighting." Alice pries her daughters away from each other.

Abigail leans over curiously, "Yeah, guys! Let's go play in the playground." The twins follow Abigail, but Y/n quickly stops her, "We can't go over there Brownie. The gate is locked; we're going to the cafeteria."

She pouts before stomping her feet, her shoes lighting up. "Hey, don't give me attitude, please. You can play another time." Lily comes to Abigail's side, "Yeah, Abby."

Alice walks the girls to the cafeteria and leaves Y/n to return to her car to get something quickly. She reached deep into the passenger seat floor— expecting to find her wallet, but it was nowhere to be found.

She groans, leaning back out of the car. "What are you looking for?" Finn pops up from behind her; she snaps around in surprise. "What the— what are you doing here?"

"Uh, here for the PTA meeting, duh." He says as if it's the most obvious thing ever. She rolls her eyes before locking her now shut door. Finn follows her, eyeing her outfit. "You look nice. Good to see you wear something that doesn't hurt my eyes from how bright it is." Finn teases her.

Y/n sends him a death glare, "I can tell that colors hurt your eyes because you never wear any. You look like you work a funeral parlor!" She rushes her words angrily. "Shh, There are children around. No more vulgar language."

The PTA mom calls the children's names, and when she does, the parents will say they're present. "Lucy and Lily Wolfhard." It went by in order of who signed up first. Alice raises her hand before quickly grabbing Lucy, who is trying to run off.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now