60 ❀ Thirsty garden once forgotten

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

say what would she do if you didn't contact her in twenty-four hours?" Jaeden held his chin; he had only his pants on. Y/n was frozen in the middle of the bed, wrapping around the oversized comforter to cover herself.

Finn gave her a death glare before turning to Jaeden. "Are you kidding me? Are we seriously going to act like I didn't just catch you guys fucking behind my back?" He gestures to the two of them.

"And you, why are you hiding yourself like I haven't seen you naked more times than him?" Finn points at Jaeden accusingly—Y/n gasps in the offense before covering herself with more blankets. "Enough, we can talk about this later. We should speak to Maverick about this, so wait for us outside while we change."

Finn scoffs in disbelief before turning away to walk out. "I cannot believe this right now."

When he shuts the door behind him, Jaeden advances toward Y/n, but she slaps his hand away. "Don't. I don't want to hear it."

When they walk out, Finn is outside, facing away from them. "I called Maverick, and he said not to bring you." He waved Jaeden away.

Jaeden and Y/n pause, and she glances at him before back at Finn. "Why is that?" He sounds somewhat confused but doesn't bother to fight it if Maverick is the one to request that he doesn't come. "I don't know, something about watching the place so her grandma doesn't come." Finn lies.

He agrees to stay, and when Y/n looks at Jaeden for help, he gives her a soft smile. Finn has his arms crossed while staring down at them with disgust; he should've known they were together but didn't even realize it until it was too late.

Jaeden flashed to Finn to make sure he was still looking. He leans down to Y/n before kissing her right on the lips— in front of Finn. Y/n is frozen in shock, and when they pull away, she looks over to find that Finn is walking to his car.

Finn sat in the car patiently, and when Y/n crawled beside him, she was anxious. She waited to see if he would say the first thing, but it was still silent when he pulled out of the driveway. He wants her to speak first.

She doesn't owe him anything, but Y/n moves in her seat nervously. "You have something to explain too, you know." Finn cracks a smile, still looking at the road. Y/n furrowed her brows at him.

He looked so good too. "Why do you think I'm driving you to your dad? Now, it's your turn." Y/n moves away to look towards the window, and now Finn is staring at her. "It's not like it matters anymore, that's the last time Jaeden and I are going to be doing this."

"Don't stop on my accord. I just wish my friends could've at least told me." Y/n rolls her eyes. "We weren't anything serious. It's just because..." Finn clenches his jaw when he looks back at the road. "I don't know why I'm even telling you this. Just forget it." Y/n crosses her arms sassily.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now