48 ❀ With each day, new unhealed wounds are made.

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

"NEVER... NEVER DO THAT... AGAIN." Y/N stumbled back, one of her hands holding Finn for dear life as her other hand covered her swollen lips from the minutes spent kissing each other.

Finn smirked, "Just heat of the moment." She sent him a glare before picking up her blanket. "I dropped this in the heat of the moment. I didn't kiss you." Holding up the muddy fabric.

"Want me to wash that for you? To make it up to you." She cringed in disgust before hugging it close to her— realizing that it does need to be washed when some of the mud goes on her clothes. "And why would I do that? I have a washer and dryer at my house." He shrugged.

"We're not going to talk about what you just did?" Y/n reminded, taking a step back from him. "It was just to shut you up. You told me you won't shut up if I tell you to—"

"So you kissed me."

Finn nodded, "Are you dumb?" Y/n asked, making Finn's recently closed eyes shoot open. "You technically just cheated all to get me to stop talking." She pointed out sassily. "And when I stopped talking, you made out with me."

"You made out with me too. You think I didn't feel you pulling my shirt?" Her face turned red, darting her eyes away from him. "It was only a heat of the moment thing. Besides, it didn't do much because I'm still talking n—"

As if he recreated what just happened moments ago, Finn pulled her again but this time by the blanket. Y/n caught it, turning her cheek as she prepared for impact with her hands in light fists to go between them. "Eek!"

Her eyes shut tight but opened once she realized Finn only pulled her close but didn't kiss her. That stupid smirk. "I can kiss you again."

"Please don't." She pushed his chest to get away from him, dusting herself off. "I'll tell Sadie."

"She won't believe you. Might make it like you kissed me, or you're lying." He suggested, cocking his head up. Her taste was still lingering on his tastebuds, and the feeling of her tongue on his was ghosting over.

"Fine. This stays between us, but you have to apologize." Y/n held her ground. "Apologize? What are we in kindergarten?"

"You kissed me without my permission."

"I'm sorry...?"

She nodded in satisfaction. "I accept your apology." Finn froze in confusion, his mouth slightly parted as his gaze diverted from her. "Well, I'm out of here." Y/n turned her heel to walk away, but Finn grabbed her wrist. "That didn't mean anything to you, right?"

Tearing his hand away from her, how he said it made her feel stupid. "It didn't. You should be asking yourself that considering you were the one who kissed me." Looking back up at him, she held her blanket tightly. "Of course, it meant nothing. I already told you it was to get you to stop talking."

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