44 ❀ My nature was always blue

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February 11

**✿❀ ❀✿**

SOME NIGHTS, IT GETS SO COLD IN Vancouver that Y/n sleeps in a little ball under a few covers. And that's with the heater at full blast. Y/n brings Abigail to sleep in her room when these nights come around. If Claudia is there that night, Abigail sleeps in the middle, clinging to her mother.

And on cold or rainy nights, Y/n has the urge to go on a twilight binge. Claudia used to get excited about this binging until it happened every other night. One person can only watch over exaggerated acting for so long before getting worn out.

So when it gets below a certain degree, Claudia runs for the hills and sleeps at her house, leaving Y/n to watch Twilight alone.

It was cold the night before, so when Y/n had her first opening shift, Malakai gave her a spare key to open the store for the day. Due to the cold, it was freezing in the bookstore as per usual— but the heater was turned on, leaving Y/n confused.

Maybe someone must've forgotten to turn it off. Y/n spent the next few hours tidying up the place before it was time to open. Passing by the living area, she would spend nights in during high school because Mr.Smith trusted her not to steal anything.

One because what value could a bunch of old light novels be and because... she was his niece.

Things started to make sense. Mr.Smith, not being very talkative to others, was quickly written off because the two knew each other before the wedding—that cursed wedding. But it made sense why he didn't even think twice but let Y/n stay at the bookstore whenever her mother had locked her out intentionally.

Y/n turned down the heater to be a little bit lower. She wanted to start the morning by placing books in boxes for the day when they had to stock up unused spaces.

"Why are you here so early?" Y/n shrieked, spinning around to see Viv behind her with an annoyed expression. "Holy shit, Viv. You scared the bejesus out of me." She held onto her chest.

"Hey, Why are you here early?"

"I asked you that first." Viv reminded Y/n's face dropped. "Mr.Smith has me doing opening today. Remember, we must prepare for the book fair on Valentine's Day?"

Viv groaned, turning her heel. "Of course, I remember; it's all he's been talking about recently."

"Now, your turn. Why are you here so early? I was told it was only going to be me opening." She shrugged, advancing out of the back room. "Guess I got my shift wrong." Narrowing her eyes, she noticed Viv was wearing the same clothes from yesterday— not wanting to point it out, she had just returned to her work.

Finn and Sadie were lying in bed— both trying to catch their breaths after... sex. Recently Sadie realized how harder Finn has been going on her; his thrusts have been more intense. Typically his manhandling is one in a blue moon, but it's been almost every time they had sex.

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