22 ❀ You reached for the stars and put them in my eyes

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

CATHERINE DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO SPARE; SHE got straight to the point when Y/n came to the small diner she chose. It was only 15 minutes away from Y/n's house. She didn't plan to dress up for this occasion, but Catherine did.

Staying true to her motto to always look presentable no matter what. "Y/n, you wouldn't keep anything from me, right?" The question made Y/n worry. Of course, she would; she kept stuff from her before. Why would she stop now?

Catherine wasn't the most understanding mother; she was a poor mother, not financially but emotionally. Y/n wants the love from Catherine that she has no issue giving her daughter.

It's not like Y/n was jealous that Catherine showed Abigail more love than herself—as a daughter, her daughter. The action of Catherine giving kisses and hugs to Abigail was confusing because she never saw her mother in that light before.

"Mom, I don't have anything to hide. Why are you asking me this?" Y/n didn't want to eat; unlike Catherine, she couldn't afford constant dinner runs. And besides, the food didn't look appealing.

Catherine sighed. Her child was so difficult as she got older that it made her wonder why she didn't try for another child in hopes of getting better luck.

"I just was worried. You haven't contacted me since the wedding. Did something happen?" Y/n nipped at her nails.

She waited patiently until Y/n finally dropped the act. "Nothing happened, I promise. And also, it goes both ways. You haven't tried reaching out that much. Has knitting club or crochet club been taking up your time?" Y/n guessed.

Catherine scowled, placing the mixer for her coffee down. "Y/n Clementine, I just asked you a question. If you're being so defensive, it must mean you're hiding something."

Y/n was tempted to grab Abigail and walk away, but it would prove that she had something to hide. "I'm just stressed; there's nothing to hide."

Catherine calmed herself down by continuing to stir her already mixed coffee, But the constant action kept her patience leveled and mood at ease.

"I'm sorry; I thought something must have happened. You know how I get." Y/n acted as though she did, even if her mother was confused.

Catherine dug through her food happily. But Y/n watched in silence; the conversations were always short between them. It left her to keep the things she wanted to say thrown away in some unknown abyss until they ceased to exist.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now