25 ❀ My body is the night full of stars

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December 23

**✿❀ ❀✿**

FINN FELT LIKE A SHIT HUMAN BEING. Spending his birthday daydreaming about a girl that he doesn't even know while his perfect wife woke him up with breakfast in bed. He didn't want to wake up to a lovely breakfast first thing on his birthday because he didn't deserve it.

He cheated on his wife. He doesn't deserve her.

To make it all worse, he was starting to think about her. Sadie's eggs were perfectly cooked, and a little thought wandered into his mind if she also knew how to cook.

Was this karma girl—his Karma?

It felt like it.

"Are you alright?" Chosen pushed Finn, causing him to fall directly onto the couch he was sitting on. "I didn't even push you that hard!"

Finn grabbed a throw pillow and placed it on his head, hoping that it would be just some bad dream when he took it off.

"I'm a terrible husband." He muffled in the pillow.

"What's wrong? Couldn't get hard?" Chosen teased.

"No- what?"

Teagan strolled into the room and plopped beside Finn, still hiding his head under the pillow. "Happy birthday, or something." She mumbled.

Chosen squinted his eyes, a smile still on his face. "Where is Sadie?" Teagan shrugged while not paying attention to the boys now that she was too busy on her phone.

"Sadie dropped Alice at our crocheting club without me because I slept through my alarm," Teagan complained as she leaned back on the couch.

"She should be here soon; it's not that far from here," Finn spoke. He decided this wasn't some dream, and he still couldn't get her out of her mind.

What is she doing right now?

"Say, Teagan, do you know how to make anything there? Do you even learn anything?" Chosen relaxed on the couch, resting his feet on the coffee table.

"Not really, but I will. One of Sadie's said they were trying to get into crocheting to make cute clothes." Teagan looked away from her phone and was not squeezed by jealousy.

"I bet she's trying to make Sadie clothes, so I'm trying to learn how to knit to do it first." Finn snickered at Teagan's motivation, only to finally be appreciated by her older cousin.

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