❀ Guess you have it all wrong

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Fully written smut for my freaky readers
**✿❀ ❀✿**

Y/N OPENED UP HER COUCH-ISH BED, IN her living room—using the day to herself to just relax. Abigail was with Catherine, in some weird attempt to make up from her actions prior. And so it left Y/n in this cold apartment all by herself.

Abigail tried to bring the Bibi toy along with her but in fear of Catherine taking away or forgetting about it on purpose, Y/n said Abigail could always play with it when she came back. So the toy basically sat there on the drawer that was beside the entrance just waiting for Abigail.

But instead of a small girl coming through that door. Her father was the one knocking. "What the hell do you want now?" Y/n let him in, seeing as there was no reason not to. He was likely to leave shortly after he found out Abigail was not here.

"Gosh, it's a mess in here. Why are you sleeping in the living room? It's like barely six pm." Not even a hello. Not even a how are you?

Y/n grabbed her head in annoyance as she shut the door. "Abigail isn't here yet, so what do you want?"

"When will she be here?" Finn stared at the toy that was looking back at him. So this is what a Bibi toy is in real life? For ten grand it sure is pretty big in size.

"In like two hours or so. My mom and her are out on a playdate since her friends also have kids her age." Finn held his chin in thought, "How do you know they're a good influence on our daughter?"

Y/n stared at the man dumbfounded. "They're like six."

"Also, why is this toy here? Shouldn't it be in Abigail's room, or like... in its box— wait did you take it out?" Y/n groaned at Finn's overbearing attitude, snatching the toy from him. "I don't care for the monetary value, this toy has meant a lot to me for a great portion of my childhood."

Finn watched her smile at the thought of finally having something she could've only dreamed about. It was beautiful. "I don't want to get rid of it, I want Abigail to enjoy it like I would've if I had it at her age."

I see now that in a way I was right and wrong. You do want to live vicariously through our daughter, but not for the reason I thought. You didn't want to do that the way that weird mothers do that to their daughters.

You were never given the childhood that you should've gotten. Not like the childhood that I got or even Sadie.

I see the way you enjoy playing typical children's games, and how you carry your likes towards small things like this bibi toy or romance movies. A toy like this would've easily gotten forgotten by anyone else, but you probably think about it often.

You just want to have a piece of your past that your mom took away. Maybe I can't give you all of your past that you want back, like knowing your father but... I can give you this.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now