63 ❀ I overwatered your flowers

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October 8

**✿❀ ❀✿**

WHEN THEY WENT BACK HOME, DALIA  spent the night. She and Claudia fought over who got to sleep with Y/n; on the... very uncomfortable mattress. And Viv cut them off before threatening them in order to shut up. It was loud for a second, almost waking up Abigail.

"Will you shut up?! You're going to wake up Abigail!" Viv screamed, making Claudia and Viv freeze as they fought over the blanket. Y/n perked behind her after setting her daughter to bed, "Woah, Why are we yelling?" Viv flinched in fear from her presence.

Dalia let go of the blanket, "Y/n, who would you rather sleep with you on the bed?" Claudia maniacally laughed, making Dalia switch her attention back. "I won! I got the blanket, so I get to sleep with her."

Y/n shrugged in defense, "I can't argue with that."

"What's wrong with bunking with me, Dal?"

While the three of them continued their conversation, Y/n walked off to the freezer to grab the cake. She glanced at it before realizing it was an ice cream cake with mint in the middle. "Oh my..." Claudia perked her head past the wall. Viv and Dalia's footsteps disappeared as they left to go to bed after saying good night of course.

Before Claudia could even ask to take the last piece of cake, "Nope, I'm giving it to my neighbor. You had your cake this morning, and I know you took the other slice." Y/n opened the drawer in front of her before taking a plastic-wrapped spork.

Claudia groaned before remembering she left her jug of chocolate ice cream from two months ago. "Ah, go ahead... I got the next best thing." Y/n rolled her eyes in amusement before opening the front door and into the cluttered connected patio.

She hoped that her neighbor was still awake to receive the cake. Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds for her neighbor the answer. A black cat strutted out immediately to greet Y/n at her feet, walking between her legs. "Hi, Ms. Moon. I just wanted to know if you want some cake."

Y/n gestured to the cake, now placed nicely on a plate. Ms. Moon glanced down at it before softening her eyes, "I would love to, dear, but I'm going on a diet. I'm going on vacation to Australia in a few weeks, so I'm trying to get my summer body by then." Y/n opened her mouth before she heard something crackle behind her.

Her shoulders lifted as a reaction when she turned around and saw Finn peek up from the stairs. Ms.Moon chuckled, "Well, I better return to my shows. Come, pixie." Ms.Moon gestured for the black cat to come inside, but it ignored the elderly woman, making it's way to Finn.

"Oh, I'll be back in a bit to come get you." She waved off before shutting the door.

Y/n shook her head disapprovingly, her and the cat stopped exactly at the top of the stairs. Looking down upon Finn, who was several steps down. "I should've told you I was coming, but I just wanted to stop by and give you something."

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