49 ❀ I am fluent in the language of silence

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March 17

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Y/N COVERED HER FACE INTO HER PALMS, "I don't know what I'm going to do." She admitted to her mother. Catherine was behind her, braiding her hair. It becomes a bonding moment for them. That and brushing Y/n's hair helped her nerves.

"Isn't this what you wanted? To give Abby a father you didn't have?" She was right. Y/n knew it, too, and how her body tensed beside her mother indicated it. Y/n was about to open her mouth when the doorbell rang.

"Let me get that."

Y/n pulled herself up from the floor, hoping over toys and clothes she forgot to remove. Since she's been sleeping on the fold-out couch, the living room has been messier than usual.


When she opened the door, it was Finn standing there. Instead, casually, considering the circumstances.

Y/n moved aside so Catherine couldn't see who it was, "What do you want?" Y/n bitterly asked, her eyes darted to her neighbor—an elderly cat lady standing behind Finn.

She looked eager to hear what was happening. Y/n sighed, "I came to talk to you since Friday is off." She twisted her face in confusion, tapping her fingers on the inside of the door.

"Please let me in so we can talk." Finn sounded annoyed that he was subjected to staying out here.

Y/n declined, glancing back to her mother, who was interested to see who it was. "Is someone here?" Finn lightly pushed the door but didn't go anywhere since Y/n had a good hold on it.

"Let's talk another time. I'm busy."

Catherine swung the door open, blinking a fair amount. She hadn't seen Finn since he was a little teenager that was notably shorter than her daughter; Catherine narrowed her eyes— scanning down his body.

Handsome and wealthy by the looks of it. "Can we help you?" Catherine moved her daughter'sdaughter's side, shielding her from Finn as if he were an intruder. Finn looked between Catherine and Y/n nervously.

"M-Ms. Clementine." He held his composure.

She raised her eyebrows expectantly. "I'm here to talk to Y/n about our daughter. Some things came up, and I want to clarify things with her." Finn spoke confidently, surprising Catherine with his way of words.

The man wore dark clothes, and at first glance, Y/n and Finn did not look like your average pairing.

"It's OK, Mother. "

Catherine stared deep into Finn's eyes while he walked into the apartment. It was a matter of only seconds before Finn recoiled his body, growing disgusted by the messy place. "You live like this?"

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now