52 ✿ My fragile roses through dusk and dawn

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—Shall dusk rise beneath the dawn?—

(2/3 of the Dusk Rose at Dawn chapters)

Rose Chapter- Y/n's POV


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**✿❀ ❀✿**

I LOVE BEING A MOM. I LOVE ABIGAIL WITH everything I have inside of me. Seeing my baby girl blow out her candles, even for the fifth time, it'll never get old. I just want to cry. Abigail beams in our arms, looking at both of us for support as we all cheer her on.

My beautiful angel. She really saved me.

Times like this make it all worth it. All the hard times are worth everything I experience with her. I watch her grow into a beautiful girl and an even more beautiful woman. I'm so proud to be her mother.

When the candles die, I wonder what she wished for. Wait, no, I don't. I already know what it is. "I can open gifts now?!" Abigail tilts her head into her shoulder, "You sure you don't want to eat your cake first?"

"Nuh, uh. Milli, Geo, and Bot will be sad if I eat them." She frowns. Standing on her own, she looks up at us in disappointment. "Shortcake, they made this first you. I bought it from them."

Finn sounds convincing. "I went all the way to umi city to get this. They'll be sad if you don't eat it."

I erupt in laughter, holding my stomach. Abigail starts to laugh, too. She rubs her hands together, preparing for something. "Well, if they made it for me, I have to eat it." Finn agreed, ordering Nick to slice the cake for Abigail as he had already held the knife.

Claudia claps enthusiastically in the crowd with Viv and Dalia. "WooHoo! Sixteen more years, and we can get turnt on her birthday!" We laugh, and Abigail does, too, even when she doesn't know what that means.

Everything about today is absolutely perfect. Claudia has been stuck by my side all day. It feels like she's trying to protect me because only she knows what I've been through all these years.

And even though she knows this is what I've wanted since the moment I gave birth to Abigail, Claudia still holds onto me.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, staring into her eyes to see if I might get an answer. "I'm just scared. Something feels wrong... I can't put my finger on it. This all feels too good to be true." She tells me.

Claudia lets go of me, almost ashamed of worrying. I can't help but want to hug her and calm her worries.

Because today is perfect.

So why?

Why am I crying in the parking lot with a bottle of Hennessy that Sadie left in the car? Why am I hyperventilating as if there's no more air for me?

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now