14 ❀ The sky is being stolen

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

Y/N WAS CRYBABY GROWING UP. She would cry for her mother late at night, begging for a nightlight to fight against the darkness in her little room. Y/n cried when she fell in the playground and wildly when the kids in her class laughed at her.

Without a father growing up, she was torn between her mother, who silently blamed her for the reason she and her boyfriend didn't work out, and the young boy her age that was getting held back by Y/n's constant crying.

Jaeden was her friend. He didn't care about crybaby Y/n; he didn't care that she cried whenever she broke her only pencil or when her paper ripped for erasing too rough.

He always gave her a new pencil; she broke so many of his wooden ones he gave her the mechanical pencil his father gave him on a business trip.

"This is supposed never to break," Jaeden stated; a tear-stained Y/n looked up from her little hands as he placed his treasured mechanical pencil in hers. "If you break it, I won't be your friend anymore."

She loved it, but it wasn't until the following week that she lost the pencil. "Well, I never said anything about losing it." Young Jaeden shrugged while he and a sniffling Y/n sat on a bench. "I'm still your friend, so stop crying so much."

Y/n was in middle school and was still scared of the dark. She had asked her mom if she could get a nightlight, but Catherine still denied it.

"You don't need it, just close your eyes, and you will be okay." Catherine would say before shutting her bedroom door, engulfing her in darkness.

She got her first phone in 6th grade; whenever she would cry from the darkness, she would call Jaeden. "Y/n, it's midnight. We have school tomorrow." Jaeden would yawn on the other line. "Jaeden, I'm so scared. It's dark."

Jaeden sometimes wondered why he was still friends with her; she cried about everything. "Stop crying; I'll give you my old nightlight when I see you on the bus," Jaeden promised before hanging up.

Catherine often yelled at Y/n whenever she tried to pressure her into hugs. "Please, mom, I just want one hug." She sniffed, running her sleeve along her nose.

Catherine looked up from her book, "You have a test tomorrow, go study for it."

Of course, Y/n pressed on, causing Catherine to send her to her room in tears. "You cry a lot, Y/n." Jaeden would sit on her desk chair while Y/n sat on her bed.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now