64 ❀ To kill a kaffir lily

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October 31

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Anymore!" Abigail shouted, stomping her feet on the woodchips. The two little girls and boy stopped their roleplaying. The four of them were at recess playing house when Abigail had enough. "Abby, you're a baby."

"No! I'm not! I want to be the mommy." She spent several weeks of recess pretending to be a newborn infant, saying goo-goo ga-ga and sucking her thumb. Abigail was tired of that and seeing the 'mommy and daddy' pretend to kiss.

The boy, Hunter, crossed his arms. "You can't be the mommy. Mia is the mommy." Abigail balled her fists. She never really saw adults kiss.

In fact, she never paid much attention, not even during Finn and Sadie's wedding. From seeing Mia and Hunter press their noses together so many times, that is what Abigail believed was kissing.

"Abby doesn't have a daddy." Another girl, who was pretending to be the family dog, piped up. "Yes, I do, Holly!" Abigail spun around, glaring down at the girl on her knees. "Abby has a daddy, but her mommy and daddy don't love each other."

"That's what my mom said," Mia explained. Abigail shook in anger, "Yes, they do!"

Hunter backed his sister Holly up. Putting Abigail in a 1v3. "Do your mommy and daddy kiss?" Now, he was referring to actual kissing. But Abigail never witnessed that or the nose touching. She stayed silent as Hunter took a step toward her. "Mommy and Daddy's kiss if they love each other."

Abigail kept her head up, glaring at him until the three of them decided they could play house without her, leaving her.

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CLAUDIA AND Y/N'S FAVORITE HOLIDAY IS definitely Halloween. The two always dressed in matching costumes, even when they stayed home when Abigail was too young to go out. But now that Abigail is five, her demands for such activities must be satisfied.

Abigail had the idea to dress up as a flower, and everyone dressed as an insect. So Viv was a bumblebee, Dalia was a ladybug, and Y/n was a butterfly.

As for Claudia. "Is that why you wanted to buy your costume separately?" Her mouth went from an O shape before extending to an excited smile when she showed off her costume for the trunk-or-treat held at Abigail's school tonight.

"Oh, come on, Abby said we could be any insect. And besides, I've been trying to brush up on my Spanish. I've decided I'm going to become a Cucaracha."

You could tell Claudia stood in the mirror, making sure she pronounced it correctly before coming out to show them. Abigail jumped up to get a better view.

She lit up at the idea, "I love it!" Claudia did little hops in excitement. "Let's get ready for tonight."

Y/n was sitting on the covered toilet as Dalia did her makeup. Since her costume was blue with green accents, she decorated her eyelid with blue glitter. "What the hell are you doing with that?" She pointed at Claudia, who was sneaking closer with a stick of eyeliner.

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