51 ❀ Your roses wither in my dusk

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—Will dusk rise beneath the dawn?—

(1/3 of the Dusk Rose at Dawn chapters)

Dusk Chapter- Finn's point of view

Dusk Chapter- Finn's point of view

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close. I used to hate and blame her for what she put my siblings and me through. With time, though, I guess I forgave her. She made me feel like I had to or else I was the bad son.

Nick was quick to forgive her. Hell, I don't think he was ever mad at her. Alice hates our mother, and I don't blame her. If she hadn't left the house as soon as she was eighteen, maybe I would've hated her too.

Whenever my brother cried when our parents would be yelling downstairs, I, the youngest, always helped him. I always had to be the one to be there for him; I could never show.

I don't have mommy issues, and it pisses me off when Chosen or Grace says that.

My mom used to be an addict like Y/n; she would drive me and my brother to school drunk out of her mind. Without my father's knowledge because he was out for work by five am, but when he found out, I remember I was six years old.

Nick was sick this day, and Alice took the bus so it would be only me she was taking to school. Nobody could've warned me.

She was yelling at him with tearful eyes. Maybe he did something to her until she retracted her arm to hit him. "He's my son! I can drive him to school perfectly fine." My mother stopped her slurred words when she saw me.

I must've looked terrified because she came up to me. I flinched from her touch.

I don't remember much after, just that my mother took me to school that day. And I remember fighting back because I was scared shitless of my mother. I've told Chosen and Grace this story, maybe Jaeden, but I don't know; I love the fucker, but he can be slightly judgmental towards me.

Unlike Chosen, who'd always agree with me, Jaeden was a reality check. "Have you thought maybe you're the problem?" He would ask me when we were younger if I ranted about things that may have been my fault.

Anyways, my mom and I are closer now. She went to rehab when I was twelve and hasn't touched nor even looked too long as any alcohol, as far as I know. Her pride is too immense, so I don't doubt it.

My mother had been on my back about Y/n, saying that she was unfit to be a mother and I should get full custody of Abigail. I don't even have my signature on her birth certificate; could I do that if I wanted to?

I don't. Y/n hasn't given me a reason to, and I promised I wouldn't. I plan to keep that promise.

On Abigail's birthday, I first picked up Jaeden to grab the cake, and this man came into my car with a large tumbler. I furrow my eyebrows, "Do you want some? Y/n's father made some drink last night." He offers it to me, which I reluctantly accept.

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