40 ❀ And I'll always come find you

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January 23

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"THAT WIFE OF HIS IS REALLY GETTING on my nerves." Claudia jumped from her spot on the floor, "I didn't think Delgado would just let the place go so easily." Dalia sat beside Y/n on the couch. The three of them were relaxing in Y/n's living room, messy still from the stress consuming her.

Claudia seemed more infuriated that Sadie even had the audacity; Dalia was upset because she lost her job and enjoyed being a stripper. And Y/n was stressed about how she would pay for next month's rent which was not too long away.

"Claudia, since you live here, why don't you move in permanently? So you don't have to go back in forth from your parent's house." Y/n suggested, but she wasn't too happy about the offer since Claudia knows she only asks because she wants her to pay the bills.

Her silence was telling. Looking away as if Y/n didn't ask, "You don't want to help with the bills even though you're here almost 24/7." She scoffed.

Dalia declined as well, but for a different reason. She hasn't found a job either and won't be able to help if she does live here. So Y/n was at a loss. Y/n would've given Dalia her room and slept on the foldout couch, and she and Claudia could've shared her room, which they were already doing.

Y/n glared at her for the rest of the day. Annoyed when she realizes that Claudia acts as if she lives here, she goes to her parent's house only two days out of the week. They are both terrible people to her, so what keeps her from living here? Easy. She's stingy.

She tried to shrug it off, changing the subject Y/n told both of them about meeting her father for the first time. And how it wasn't the first time she'd seen him. "You almost slept with your dad!?" Claudia gasped.


"Oh my god, Claudia. I would never do that—"

"But you said something about his—"

"Okay! I get it! I didn't know it was him, but I think he wants to sleep with me." Y/n gave a horrified look at both Dalia and Claudia. Their reaction was different; Claudia is now starting to freak out, only making Y/n more worried.

And Dalia wondered if she remembered seeing this guy Y/n was talking about. "Your life is so odd, Y/n. Only you would have a child with your ex, his wife inviting you to the wedding, having a secret relationship with his brother, Finn basically providing income to your job and then finding out—"

Y/n waved her hands in front of her, "Alright! No more. You guys are making me feel worse."

Once the conversation seemed to die down, Claudia glanced around the room as if there was anyone other than them three listening. "Is he hot?"

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now