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January 14
**✿❀ ❀✿**

ONCE WORD GOT OUT THAT JAEDEN WAS in a coma this whole time, Y/n and Finn's phones had been blowing up from people they went to high school with. Sophia even called her too, and Y/n wasn't sure how she got her number but didn't ask because Finn's sassy voice popped into her head.

"Why do people keep asking me that? I obviously got it from Sadie."

That little rat. How long has he had my number?

After a few days, Jaeden wanted to meet Abigail, but Finn begged Y/n not to do it until he was there because he wanted to see it for the first. But...

"Uncle Jaeden! Do you wanna see my books?" Abigail warmed up to Jaeden the second they met, feeling like she knew him this entire time. But Abigail has always been a very people-loving type of kid.

"Ms. Clementine is also three weeks pregnant; because Mr.Martell took the hit, it saved her and potentially her unborn baby." The officer's voice echoed in some unknown abyss.

Abigail obviously couldn't have known that Jaeden had saved both her and her mother, but seeing the two interact makes it all that more heartwarming.

Dalia and Claudia have been getting along well, especially because Claudia gets jealous of Y/n's friends. Ever since Dalia broke up with her boyfriend and now lives with her mom, she can actually spend time with them.

Things were starting to look up for Y/n, besides Sadie's pregnancy. Y/n knew it was selfish, but as long as she kept her feeling to herself, it didn't matter.

Y/n's shift was about to end after her set, during the hours she had been here Finn was nowhere to be found. Delgado said since Finn found out he's having a baby he probably won't be coming. "So, I heard you and Mr.Wolfhard have a child together." Lola closed her locker beside Y/n.

"Where did you hear that from?" She frowned at Lola, shutting her locker shortly after. "That doesn't matter; all that matters is if that's true." Lola bent down to hook the small belt on her heels.

Y/n stretched her arms, left side first, then right. "It's true. What now?"

It was Y/n set to go on the stage next, she had several drinks so she was a bit tipsy. No, She was really tipsy; and right as she gripped the pole, Finn walked into the room. He was with Nick, Chosen, and Jonathan, who did not have masks even after being given them by the woman up front.

Finn didn't look towards the stage, opting to talk to the bartender he remembered from the night he saw Y/n. Averie, was it? Probably.

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