21 ❀ I can't help but become the sun

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

MAYBE THAT WAS STUPID TO SAY. GOD, but was I wrong for saying that? He thought he could touch anyone like that and not get told off?

Pathetic. Working with Delgado might be more complicated than I thought if it meant that people like that would be coming around.

I don't care much for that dancer; she's rude. But I do feel bad because I think she's getting bullied. It reminds me of when I was forced in middle and high school.

But there is always someone there to help, well... two people. But now that both of them are gone, Maybe it's like my duty? Ew, no. Gross.

Not that. It's my guilt from working here, no doubt. And the guilt is killing me.

Finn was in the club's men's room, burying his face in his hands in front of the mirror. He played it cool for a while, letting the old geezer go to do whatever he wanted with that dancer.

Was I being possessive?

He put his hand over his mouth as if he had just discovered something. No, it wouldn't make sense anyways. Finn barely knew this girl, and he wouldn't be like any other guy that walked in here.

Finn walked out beside the older man who always relaxed at the bar.

"Hey." He greeted, looking at the various selection of alcohol; none of them looked appealing.

"Something on your mind?" The man asked; Finn shrugged. He didn't look at the man.

"You don't gotta tell me, but that's the beauty of places like this. We don't know what each other looks like— or you don't know me. So anything you tell me, it's like telling a stranger."

Finn chuckled at his words. "It's just frustration from the people around here; the men treat the dancers like meat." The man raised his eyebrows in agreement.

"That's just how it goes, I guess. That Delgado guy is strict regarding the dancer's boundaries, but certain dancers don't have any set boundaries, so they get taken advantage of." Finn ran his hand through his hair.

"And why don't they just set them?" Finn groaned. "Because they need the money."

After several minutes, the conversation died. "So, what's your name?" Finn started.

"Don't tell anyone, especially Karma. She's a bit too curious." He nodded, waiting.

"It's, Maverick." Finn acknowledged the name; turning in his chair, he looked behind to see where Karma was.

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now