54 ❀ My mind drifts off to a cold night

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

JAEDEN PRESSED THE LIGHT SWITCH ON, and almost instantly, Y/n grabbed his face— colliding their lips with eagerness filling each muscle in her body. He reacted quickly, guiding her to the dresser used as decoration beside the wall.

He didn't dare disconnect their lips, throwing all the stuff on the floor, neither caring to check if he broke anything. Y/n hopped on the large dresser, Jaeden now standing between her spread legs.

He felt his cheeks wet, and when he pulled away, Y/n cried. "I'll never escape him, will I?" He knows she was referring to Finn.

And now he feels guilty. But why? She doesn't owe Finn anything; he's probably already in bed with Sadie. They both know that.

"You will. For tonight." Jaeden muttered.

He knew in the morning that Y/n would be Finn's again. So, just for tonight, if that's what she wants—Jaeden will be what Finn could've been.

She kisses him again. This time it felt more desperate as Jaeden pulled her closer to him, if that was possible, but it still wasn't enough. Jaeden lifted her shirt, discarding it behind him, so it was only her bra between them as they continued making out.

Maybe it's because he's known her all his life since they were babies that this feels more intimate. He's always seen her as a spiritual soulmate. Hearing her moans and feeling them vibrate in their synced tongues, he can't help but get light-heated. This feels like a dream to Jaeden.

Jaeden held her with care...care, and genuine affection. He clipped her bra off in a straightforward pinch, letting it fall on her lap. Both his hands ran up her thighs as he stared at her, forcing himself to focus on her eyes. "Are you sure about this?"

Y/n held his cheek, switching between both sets of his eyes. "The idea of you bending me over every piece of furniture drives me crazy." She whispered, leaning close.

"I didn't agree for you to bring you here so I could sleep with you," Jaeden explains. Y/n can be anything... everything.

She giggled, "But I did." Rubbing her thumb on his bottom lip, her gaze flickered back to him with lust. "Don't act like you haven't wondered how good it'll feel when I'm riding you... when you're fucking me from behind," Jaeden had never heard this type of language from her before, and it took him a second to process.

His fingers trace up her back, itching to grab her tits. "Or when you're lifting my legs while deep inside me." Y/n leaned to his ear, her venom-laced voice traveling down his skin. "When you get to come inside of me."

Jaeden heard enough, grabbing her face to connect their lips again. Making out feverishly as though they were making up for the years they never even thought to touch in another. His soft fingers found her equally soft tits, pinching her just right.

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