11 ✿ Keep your eyes closed love

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

Nick gripped his shoulders tightly as if it were Finn, who was nervous when instead, Nick was the one who was sweating.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Chosen and Jonathan were in the room with the two brothers arguing. "I feel like sending my daughter off to some stranger." Nick shrieks.

"What are you talking about?" Finn raised his eyebrows before looking into the mirror to fix his tie. "I'm like a proud mother." Jonathan wipes his dry eyes.

"It was like yesterday. I was in the delivery room while your mother was pushing you." Nick continued; Finn pursed his lips in annoyance.

"We always knew you would be the first to get married..." Jonathan slowly turned to Chosen. "Unlike my disappointment of a daughter," Jonathan paused for a second.

"Chosenella." Finn rubbed his temples. Chosen nodded in agreement, "Poor sister," He started, popping beside Finn and looking at him in the mirror with a sad look.

"Don't let father and mother give you cold feet." If Finn hadn't clarified that he wasn't amused, his eyes almost blinked in warning signs.

"My dear eldest daughter must not cancel last second; this husband of hers is our only chance." Nick pushed Chosen away, turning Finn to face him while both hands gripped his shoulders.

"YOU MUST BE STRONG, FINNETTA!" Nick announced, "FOR THE FAMILY!" Jonathan cried.

"Will you guys please stop?" Finn wiggled free from Nick's hold quickly.

As annoyed as he was, Finn kept his cool; patting his suit down, he exited the room. "Are you ready to go downstairs, Finn?" His real dad popped in from the top of the stairs.

Mary peered from behind Eric and latched onto Finn tightly, "You look so handsome!" Finn groaned, throwing his head slightly like a child.

Nick, Chosen, and Jonathan exited the room before turning to the opposite side of the hallway.

"Let's let him deal with his other set of parents," Jonathan suggested, looking behind them to see Finn getting the same treatment by Mary and Eric.

The venue was a beautiful building on the more affluent side of Vancouver. Sadie had her eye on it for several weeks.

Nick and the boys had made their way downstairs to see guests beginning to make their way slowly. "Aunt Tammy, I'm not changing my shoes for the last time." A thick deep voice came from the main entrance.

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