28 ❀ Dear, My Ex-Lover

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tw: coercion (ends at -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-)

tw: coercion (ends at -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-)

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December 24

**✿❀ ❀✿**

SADIE WAS PROPPED UP BY HER ELBOWS on the soft bed beneath her, legs hanging on the edge of the furniture. Finn had his top half weight on the bed, his arms caging into Sadie in place while he leaned over to her.

When the two returned home, the small kisses turned to heated ones, and now they were half-naked on the bed. The plush cushion lowered Finn farther than he intended to, but it didn't matter. He continued carrying his weight— the muscles on his back flexing while he admired his work on Sadie's bare chest.

"What am I going to do with you?" Finn grazed his finger on his lower lip. His half-lidded eyes were practically fucking her on their own.

Images of her sprawled out in front of him, her silk skin complimenting the cool sheets beneath her. The action of taking her right here was truly savoring on his being. She looked so beautiful, so innocently alluring, so why? Why was he thinking of her red locks now being h/c?

Why was he thinking of her skin belonging to another? As if her lips were not hers, as if her eyes were swapped. And why did it only make him want her more?

He gripped his head desperately, lowly groaning while he scolded his thoughts. "What's wrong?" Sadie gently touched him. "It's just a migraine." Looking back at her eyes were now back to blue, he remembered. It made him feel guilty.

"Do you want to pause?" Sadie tilted her head. "No... no. I just..." he didn't make sense in his brain, letting his mind wander to a place where he didn't want it. Pathetic. Sadie doesn't deserve this.

The clean and perfectly groomed hair was now tussled from his fingers running through it, his other arm still propped on the right side of Sadie. She touched him reassuringly as he waited for the go-ahead. "Take your time. We have until four."

It was 2 pm, and knowing this, Finn glanced at his wife confusingly. "What do you mean? Where are we going?"

"Alice wants to take us to a Christmas Eve party." Sadie happily answered. These plans were news to Finn. He thought they agreed to stay in, and their parents were coming to their house."Mmm... I don't know. Alice goes to boring places like that. Let's stay here, Yeah?"

"We also promised both our parents we were staying here tonight. We shouldn't just change plans." Sadie pouted. "I guess so. That means Teagan has to stay, though. You know how my mom gets. She wants all of us to spend it together."

"Okay, okay. Let's stop talking about your mom when I'm about to have sex with you." Finn groaned in her neck, making her giggle from the vibrations.

The tension was thickening again. Sadie was now straddling Finn as he laid back on the headboard. Her soft hands worked so well against his worked-out body, letting him close his eyes briefly.

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