08 ❀ Drips of dew

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

freshly baked lasagna and garlic bread were in the middle. He had hesitated before putting the cold piece of metal between his fingers, which tore each molecule on the opposite side.

The smell was rich, nicely picked tomatoes with soft cheese on the pasta; he wondered if it was store-bought. Probably was.

"So, what are your plans before the wedding?" Tammy filled the silent void that ran cold.

Sadie placed the fork down on the plate, "I'm planning on having a little bachelorette party with some girlfriends." Replying with a smile on her lips- The lips were swollen from the fragile yet violent make-out session.

"And what about you, Finn?" Tammy switched her attention to the man who had his face practically smothering the lasagna.

Tammy blinked softly once Finn reached his gaze here, "Well n-" Jonathan placed his hand on the table before standing up.

"I would like to take Finn to drink with the boys." Everyone stared up at him except Mr.Smith, who only glanced before enjoying his pasta.

Tammy gritted her teeth, "Can I ask why you are announcing that like you were announcing a proposal?"

Jonathan raised his hand slowly as if protesting something down to his side. "I'm not asking for his hand in marriage, but proposing an idea to the class." He sighed, sitting back down.

His head was fallen to the plate, but under the table, he extended his palm to Nick, who softly gave him a high five.

Sadie watched him sulk for what seemed like a while; when her gaze turned to Finn, she noticed Finn was unaware of it while he sat comfortably in his chair.

She was observant before she finally spoke, welcoming the cold air to fill her lungs while she said.

"I think it's a good idea." Humming as she cut a slice of the pasta.

"Really?!" Jonathan, Tammy, and Finn all said in unison. Sadie giggled, throwing her hands up in defense. "You'll be home all by yourself, might as well go enjoy yourself and drink with them."

Finn stared at her in confusion and shock, "Did you not want to go?" She leaned back in her chair with both hands softly on the table's edge.

"I do.." Sadie beamed at this, placing her hand on his. "Score. Thanks, Sis." Jonathan exclaimed, fist-pumping both Nick and Chosen.

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