43 ❀ Let me feel your body arch

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February 10

**✿❀ ❀✿**

so hard I'm going to put his ass back into a coma!" Claudia threatened, standing up from the couch as if she was going to march over to Maverick's house to attack Jaeden. "Weren't you the one to tell Y/n to get laid?" Dalia reminded.

This made Claudia freeze. "Well yeah. But not with that guy. Have you seen him? I wouldn't trust him to know what he's doing. He's been in a coma for like almost half a decade."

Y/n groaned in her hands. "Claud. We aren't going to be sleeping together. I already told him no."

Claudia placed her hand on her chest while she released the breath she was holding. "Phew! You really had me going there for a second." She plopped down next to Dalia, "You see, Dalia, Our friend here would never succumb herself to old fruit."

Dalia scrunched her face in confusion, "Did you just refer to Y/n's friend as old fruit?" Nodding happily, Claudia stood back up from the couch.

"This Jaeden guy is merely a distraction from the real prize." She moved her hands slowly from Dalia to Y/n. "And that is...?" Y/n pushed Claudia's clammy hands from her face.

Standing up straight, Claudia proudly yelled. "Y/n's baby daddy!" Y/n facepalmed at her enthusiasm.

"If I weren't mistaken, I would've thought you were trying to imply on Y/n's baby daddy to cheat on his wife." Dalia narrowed her eyes at the girl.

"I'm pretty sure you were trying to say, 'If I was mistaken.' But don't worry- Honest mistake. Anyways, you're not because that is exactly what I am implying!" Claudia clapped, moving her head aside to ensure Abigail wasn't creeping up the corner.

"I thought you hated Finn." Dalia patted her baby pink skirt down. "Well, duh. But that's Y/n's first love. First everything. And that Sadie chick been getting on my nerves."

Y/n sighed when Claudia dramatically laid back down on the couch. She rested her hand on Y/n's lap and said, "It's time you take a ride down memory lane."

"Please brush your teeth."

Claudia sucked her teeth, sitting upright. "Okay, now you're just deflecting!"

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

CATHERINE INVITED Y/N OUT FOR COFFEE. This time, Catherine said it was on her. She felt incredibly guilty as Y/n lost her 'Data entry job. Wanting to mend their mother-daughter relationship. Truthfully, seeing Malakai was also a wake-up call.

"So, How have you been?" Catherine took a sip of her drink, placing it down on the wooden table. Y/n stared at her in confusion, unsure why she had even been invited suddenly. "Mom, I thought I told you... I lost my job."

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