12 ❀ I spoke to the moon

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

there beside Millie. Abigail didn't seem to notice her mother was distressed. "You sure know how to make an entrance, Y/n," Millie commented. Grace slapped her arm, pushing her away.

"Ignore Millie; you just have bad luck." Grace looked up to see everyone standing now, all eyes were on the entrance where Sadie stood.

She got up from her seat, looking through the crowd. Sadie gripped her stepfather's arm wh,o Y/n hadn't seen in years; he still looked the same.

Sadie walked down the aisle nervously. Blown away, Finn couldn't help but smile, this was his first time seeing her in the dress, and she looked stunning.

To Y/n, she felt like she was in the middle of the two, who were slowly colliding with each other.

Gliding his hands to Sadie, Finn held onto them tightly. Waiting until the pastor in the middle of them started the ceremony, as usual, Y/n caught Finn's eye. It didn't last long.

He looked away from her and watched as Sadie turned around to get the vows from the girl beside her, who handed the paper.

Her hands were shaking, making the fragile paper shake along with her.

"Finn, I've loved you for years. I would say before you even loved me." Sadie read closely; she sounded sincere.

She was in love with him this whole time before they finally started dating. That was what might've been believed by anyone but not Millie.

Millie tried not to, but the urge to roll her eyes was too strong. She used to be close to Sadie, not extraordinarily close, but they were friendly at school. But as soon as they were out, they never hung out or exchanged numbers.

The invitation came as a surprise to her since Millie thought Sadie had forgotten about their lunchbox friendship.

"I saw you for the kind and loving person you were, and I was lucky enough to marry you." Millie noticed Y/n's stiffness from beside her; trying to get a better glimpse, she leaned it to see she was intently focused.

Y/n was emotionless, but her nails reached her lips, snipping at them.

"I knew we were meant to be the second you let me in your group for our last period in high school." Wrong. Millie knew it was all wrong.

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