59 ❀ Set my body on fire to keep you warm

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August 24, September 20

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"I NEED TO SPEAK WITH MAVERICK Clementine!" An older lady yells at the receptionist when Finn enters the building. Beside her is a tall man in a suit who doesn't seem to be saying anything. When the woman behind the desk sees Finn, she looks relieved.

The lady turns around and assumes that he must be a higher-up. Well, he would be— hopefully. "You, Take me to Maverick Clementine's office right now." She orders Finn, but he can only decline since she has no appointment.

"Mr.Clementine is a busy man; he can't just have people ordering around to see him whenever."

"What is up with you Canadians and always pretending to be polite? This is exactly why I didn't want my daughter here." Finn is confused by the sudden venting; she was too loud about it. The woman looked sick; he wasn't sure why she was spending so much energy on something he could not control.

"Please don't make me call security, Ma'am." Finn tries not to sound passive-aggressive, and the lady calms down, gripping her purse tightly. "What is your name?"

"My name is Finn Wolfhard." He gave a soft smile so he didn't come off as hostile. The woman smirks at him, "Give Maverick a message from me, yes?" Finn doesn't see the harm in it, so he agrees.

"Tell him that if he doesn't tell me where my daughter is, I'll have a target on his head." She doesn't look like she's kidding, but this makes Finn wonder what kind of girls Maverick has been messing around with to get their mother here.

"Can I give him a name, or?"

"Rosalina Pierce."

Pierce, what a terrifying last name. "If you don't mind me asking, who is your daughter?" Rosalina scoffed, turning to the eavesdropping receptionist, who returned to acting like she was working.

"I suppose I should respect her name change." Rosalina rolls her eyes; digging through her purse, she grabs something. "First, give this to Maverick. It's my number." A small card with all her information lies on Finn's pale palm.

He puts it in his pocket, unsure if he will give it to Maverick. "I'm looking for my daughter; she goes by the name Catherine Clementine. From what I gathered, she and Maverick have a child together; I'm assuming the two are now divorced."

Finn turned pale almost instantly, and this didn't go unnoticed by Rosalina. "Do you know my daughter?" He thinks to himself, should he say yes? Y/n might want to know if her whole grandmother is looking for them.

"I know her daughter." He finally answered. The woman smiled, this time genuine. No more need to go searching around. She paid a hefty price to find this information about Catherine and Maverick; Finn just saved her time.

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