46 ❀ Your pupils are far too dilated

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IT'S COMMON KNOWLEDGE THAT AFTER bearing a child, your body undergoes many changes. One's taste in things such as certain foods does a 180. Foods like pickles and ice cream— a rather disgusting combination turn into the best thing known to mankind for some pregnant women.

Delicious meals, however, can become the most rancid food. Y/n used to hate mint chocolate chip which was something she and Finn had in common. But for some reason, during the pregnancy stages, Y/n could not get enough of it. She consumed so much mint chocolate chip that Y/n was positive after she gave birth that it would certainly go back to being her least favorite ice cream.

That's not exactly true anymore because it's still her favorite.

Besides tastes, pregnancy can change one's tolerance to textures such as mashed potatoes and jelly. This is the case when Y/n accepts Abigail's offering of some of the jelly Tammy made.

As a child, Abigail often goes to her mother to validate such opinions. If her mother doesn't like it, she doesn't like it either. Even if Abigail has already determined she likes something, if Y/n shows any distaste— Abigail will shortly agree.

"It's yummy!" Abigail tilted her head up to her mother as a way to seek her opinion. Y/n held it in her mouth while she struggled to keep her facial muscles from contracting. "Mhm, go give some to Uncle Jaeden." She pointed at Jaeden, who was talking to Malakai.

Y/n turned around, spitting it into a napkin discreetly. Oddly, Y/n loved fruit jellies that exploded in your mouth growing up, so this is news to her. Finn isn't trying to be creepy; he just stole a glance when Abigail gave Y/n the jelly— a coincidence that he caught her spitting it out.

It was only later on that Mary and Eric arrived. Finn had told them Sadie and he wouldn't be staying for long, so they better stop by before they left. "Hello, Ms.Clementine." Mary held her purse tighter when she passed by Y/n.

This didn't go unnoticed by her, but it did to everyone else. "How lovely seeing you volunteer here." She forced her smile, not wanting to create bad blood even if Mary didn't deserve the thoughtfulness.

"I work here. I've been working here for a few." Mary narrowed her eyes before turning away, and Y/n thought that a short conversation had just ended—The older woman said, "Talk with me in private, please."

Viv touched Y/n's shoulder to warn her, already feeling a bad vibe, but Y/n pulled away. "Please keep an eye on my daughter while I'm gone." She knew Jaeden had been doing that already, but just in case.

Y/n leads the way farther down the library until stopping at a large arch that leads toward the children's section. "Sadie told me you wanted to talk to me about something." That little...

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now