Character Sketch

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Introducing the Characters:

Main Characters:

Siddharth Nigam:

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Siddharth Nigam:

• He is 27.

•Dangerous Underworld Mafia.

• Rude and Arrogant.

• "Love" is something which has taken a leave from his life
The only words in his dictionary are "Hate and Revenge."

• Go against him, you'll be dead.

• He doesn't know anything called "second chance".

• He doesn't know anything called "second chance"

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Avneet Kaur:

• She is 24.

• Cute and Sunshine.

• Works as a spy in a secret egency.

• She is fearless and bold but shy at times.

• Mess with her she will be your nightmare.

• Lives with her parents and brother. Her brother is her life.

Supporting Characters:

■Jaijeet Singh- Avneet's brother. Loves her the most. Studies in university.

■Amandeep Singh and Sonia Nandra- Avneet and Jaijeet's parents.


Few Points to keep in mind:
• She is cheerful and bubly while he is cold.
• Avneet just joined as a spy to a mafia team. She knows martial art and self defense techniques.
• Siddharth hates betrayals.
• Avneet has received a lot of proposals and have rejected all of them.

Author's note: I personally hate long and boring character sketches so i tried keeping it simple.
More characters might be added as the story proceeds.
Thank You for giving this book a try. Please do vote and comment sharing your openion and if you have any suggestions.

• Please plant some trees.
• Dont waste water.
• Recycle things as much as possible.
• Use minimum electricity.
Lets dream of a green earth💚🌿💚

Started at 16th February 2023.
I will begin this story after 3 comments.

Began on- 16.02. 2023

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