Ch-36(Offer Accepted)

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She took a while to register if what she was seeing and hearing true. Was this real? Her eyes shimmered happiness. 

Avu(soft)- Yes... I would love to accept your offer Sir. 
His eyes shined of gratitude. 

Sid- Just a little reminder, this offer is for lifetime. It will never expire even if you want. 
Avu(giggle)- I would still gladly accept. 

He held her hand and kissed her knuckles. They smiled looking at each other and pulled each other into their embrace. 
They had beautiful smiles plastered on their lips. She listened to his rapid heart beat. He hugged her so lovingly as if she would break apart if he looses his grip. 

The cloud growled loudly destroying their comfortable silence. They broke their hug. 
Sid(chuckle)- Let's can rain anytime soon.
She giggled and nodded. 

Sid- I will serve, you must go and take your sit in the tent. 
Avu- No way, I am helping you.  
Sid- Come on!
Avu- Yes I am coming in. 
He shook his head in disbelief. 
They quickly served the food on their plates and sat by the edge of the tent and ate in a hurry but enjoying it completely. 

Sid- Avneet, eat slowly, you will choke the food. 
Avu(mouth full of food)- Sorry, the food is too tasty. 

Sid- As you wish. Don't...
Even before he could finish his sentence, she chocked on her food and he patted her back forwarding her a bottle of water. 

Sid- This is why you should listen to your boyfriend. 
She looked at him fondly. 

Sid- What's wrong? 
Avu- I can't belief that I can officially claim you as mine now.

They had completed having their dinner so they began setting the plates. 

Sid- Will your parents accept us?
Avu- They are very frank with me. Don't worry. 

Sid- May I confess something else? 
Avu- What is it? 

Sid- I have already asked your hand from your father.
Avu- What the fuck? 

Sid- I didn't want you to get into trouble for me, so I asked your father if he would accept me as your husband. I didn't give him full details of my past, I just told him that I was the one who kidnapped you mistakenly but kept you with  me intentionally and now I am not a mafia anymore, but a business man. 

Avu- What did he say? 
Sid- He said that he was glad that I had asked for his permission. 

Sid- Your dad is cool anyways, he told me that he know you love me back, so he won't become a barrier. And your mom has approval too. 

Avu- Oh my god, how will I face them now? I have told them that I am visiting my friend's house. 
Sid- They doesn't know I will propose you today. 

Avu- Dude, you should have had a conversation with me about this before talking to them. What if they disagreed? 
Sid- I wouldn't have brought up this topic, if you dad himself didn't tell me that I seem a good guy for someone to marry. 

Avu- Don't you dare to keep suspense now!
Sid(chuckle)- Basically, we met for a business deal and I offered him a meal giving the excuse of business just to impress your dad. And guess what? He fell for my trap, and he himself admitted how perfect I am. Then I explained a little of my identity to him. He accepted but told me that he won't take any decision until you have your approval. 

Avu- Should I get proud, sad, happy, embarrassed or... 
Her words were interrupted as it the weather was drizzly. 

By that time Siddharth had called someone, who cam running. He had made the decorations and he would clean it up too. 

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