Ch-20 (Same mistake?)

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Mr. Nigam- You can't insult my wife standing at my place.
Mrs. Nigam- Siddharth, how can you say this! In the past...

Abhishek cut her words off.
Abhi- The truth is always bitter.

Sid- Voice low. 
There was a silence in the hall with people seeing this drama. 

Mrs Nigam- Who is this with you Siddo?
Abhi- Is it bothering you seeing what you lost?

Mr. Nigam- GET OUT.
Abhi- Didn't Siddharth warn you not to raise your voice? Anyways, we aren't here to congratulate you wasting our time.

Mr. Nigam glanced over Avneet and Vaishnavi which wasn't unnoticed by Siddharth and Abhishek.

Abhi- They are ours. Stop laying your dirty eyes on them.
The wife of Mr. Nigam was drooling over Siddharth too and Avneet felt uneasy about it. She held his arm showing her hand properly which was hidden under his shirt as she held him in small fist. Due to her strong grip he looked and her and saw her staring with a death look to their step mom.

Mrs. Nigam's eyes widened at her act and she stared at her as if she is stealing her man. Avneet smirked at her and clinged onto his arm. 

Abhi- I would like to clear out about our presence. I don't like to attack people before ending them but because you are our dear step dad, so we can surely warn you. 
He looked at Siddharth.

Sid- Three months. Save your company if you can.
Mr. Nigam- What do you mean...

Sid- Lastly;
He looked at that girl.

Sid- We have found our love and we are staying together happily. I would be more happy to show you our (he looked at Avneet) child, but I doubt if you can survive.

Siddharth's eyes met with Abhishek. They wrapped their hands around their girls protectively and walked out like kings.
The party was dropped. They weren't sure what to do!
Siddharth and Abhishek hugged each other as they came out leaving Avneet and Vaishnavi curios. They went in the car.

Whisper talk:
Avu- Do you have any idea why they did this?
Vai- No.

Vai- But Avu, don't spy. I am telling you my dad isn't a good person. 
Avu- I want to belief you but I will trust on proofs.

Vai- Wait for it then, but if I find you spying I will reveal your identity.
Avneet nodded.

Vai - Btw your bias?
Their conversation was interrupted as the car stopped in front of a bar. Siddharth and Abhishek went inside followed by Avneet and Vaishnavi. They never came to a bar before. They held each other's hand. 

Siddharth went and ordered drinks. 

Avu- Didi have you ever visited a bar before?
Vai- No reh, I was locked in my home forever. 
They both realized she called him didi.

Avu- Sorry...
Vai- Its okay. In fact I have always wanted a sister. 
They hugged each other like long lost sisters.

Abhishek smiled a them and coughed as they broke the hug.

Abhi- Avneet, I will go with Vaishnavi tonight, so I am giving you the responsibility to handle him. Please don't misunderstand him. Only you can handle him.

Avu- What if he again comes to my room. He is hella irritating.
Abhishek and Vaishnavi chuckled. Just then their eyes landed on Siddharth who gulped pegs to pegs. 

Abhishek- Avneet, take him home. I will take Vaishnavi. 
Vai- I want to stay here for sometime please, this is my first time.

Abhi- Okay but Avneet, you take him. After this things will be out of control.
Avneet sighed and went to him.

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