Ch- 39 (Silly)

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The Kaur family were having their time sipping tea in the bright morning. Jai and Avneet kept teasing each other while the old couple admired their children.  
Amandeep looked at Sonia. She nodded with a slight smile. 

Aman- Avu, I and your mom have been thinking this for the past few weeks. We have seen this young guy, and he is a real man. 

Sonia- Avu, you are now old enough to get married. This guy is very good, you should start seeing him. 

Avneet choked her drink. She is already seeing Siddharth for almost a month now and she loves him with her heart. How can she marry someone else?

Avu- What is his name?
Aman- Haripad Bhattachayra. 

Avu- NO WAY!
Siddharth told her that her dad was impressed by him and gave his permission to propose her, then why isn't the name matching?

Sonia- Why? He is a good guy.
Avu- B-but... I- I mean mom... 

Aman- I have decided the date too. Its 13th August. Its a good date. Exactly after one month.
Avu- But...

Sonia- You don't even have a boyfriend, so what is wrong marrying him? He is a good guy. 
Aman- Yes indeed.

Sonia- He has long beard, his spectacles are circle too. He is a very good looking and great human being. 
Aman- And he has a classic dressing style. I saw him wearing lungi. He doesn't like modern fashion. 

Avu- O-oh. I am not disrespecting his style but...
Sonia- He is our choice and that's final.

Suddenly Jai laughed loudly breaking the tension in the atmosphere.
Jai- Oh god, Avu, look at your face. 

Amandeep shook his head in disbelief while Sonia twisted his ear. 

Sonia- Couldn't you play along idiot!
Jai- Sorry mom...
He was still laughing. 

Avu- Bother to explain me please!
She looked confused.

Jai- Oh god! Couldn't you get that they are playing with you?
She was still confused.

Jai- My dear sister, they are just messing with you. They knows your and Siddharth jiju's (brother-in-law) relationship.

Avneet took a while to proceed. Is she dreaming?
Sonia- Stop over thinking Avu. We know about it. And well, Jai didn't tell us. Siddharth himself asked your hand from Amandeep before proposing you. 

Aman- I have had a talk with him about this. Go and talk to him about it. And then we, the both families can sit together and finalize the things. 

Avu- How could you do all these behind my back!
Sonia- Well, you hid your relation as well. So we are equal now. 

Avneet shook her head in disbelief. 

Siddharth was driving his car humming the song which was playing. Avneet has asked him out and its her first time to ask him out. He was extremely happy. It has been one month since he proposed her. He remembers her reaction. Oh, he could die to watch it everyday. 

He went to the restaurant where she called him. He knew her reason, but he was in a mood to tease her. 
He went in and his eyes landed on the love of his life, waiting for him staring through the glass window. He smiled and went to her. 

Avneet's smiled widely seeing him. They had busy schedule these days...they met after almost a week.

"Missed me?" he said taking his seat. 
"Not at all!" she chuckled.

He pretended as if he is hurt and she hit him slightly. He hugged her tightly not caring about the surrounding. 
Avu- Siddharth! People are seeing us. 

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