Ch-28 (Seperation)

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Siddharth went to his room. He wasn't sure if he was mentally prepared for his next move...the turn in his life. 
"If not now, then never... it will be too late!" 
He thought. 

As soon as he opened the door, his eyes met with her, as if she was waiting for him to come... 
She stood up and walked up to him.

Avu- I am really sorry... But please belief me, I didn't sell any of your information to them. I don't work under them anymore.  I didn't betray you... I r...

He cut off her words in the middle of her confession. 
Sid- If you have anything to take, you should hurry up. 

She was confused. And on top of that, Siddharth wasn't even looking at her. 

Sid- You will be going to your home today... and I won't bring you back here. 
He paused.

Sid- You are free. 
He walked back towards the door. 

Sid- You only have 30 minutes in your hand. 
He left with is words.

She looked down with teary eyes as she heard the door being closed. 

Avu- Why am I sad now? 
She walked up to the mirror. 

Avu- Isn't this what you wanted? Getting free from this hell? Going away from him? 
She looked at her reflection.

Avu- You are going to your home Avneet...Shouldn't you be happy? Are you sad because you lied about your identity to that freaking kidnapper? Does that even count?
Tears brimmed down her cheeks!

Avu- Didn't I warn you not to fall for him? Why on the earth did I even fall for him! 
Her tears were uncontrollable. 

Avu- You are free....finally free! Go enjoy your life Avneet! 
She sat down on the bed and pulled a pillow closer to her.

Avu- Why did I get closer to him when I knew it wasn't right! I knew it wasn't for good! 
She hugged the pillow so that her sobs could get suppressed. 

She had nothing to take from this house. She was kidnapped...she came here without any belonging, but her bag. 
She wiped off her tears. 
Her eyes landed on her phone what lied on the bed side table. She picked it up and clicked a lot of pictures... of the room...the bathroom...the bed...the balcony... And every corner that had his memory. 
She was aware of the fact that she had fallen badly for him...but she also knew that the time was helpless. 
Maybe their chapter had come to an end. 
Though it didn't turn out good...these memories will probably be sufficient for her to rely on for the rest of her life. 

As the clock screamed 4 pm, she picked up her bag and her phone. Abhishek was there to see her off. 
They both looked at each other with teary eyes. 

Abhi- Take care Avneetay..
She smiled with pain. 

Avu- You too...Don't fight with Vaishnavi guys should get paired up soon.
Abhishek ruffled her hair. 

She looked around her. Her eyes searched for someone. 
Abhi- He isn't here...

Avu- I didn't betray him. I really didn't seel any information to them,
Abhi- I belief you. 

Her car had arrived. She looked at the mansion for the one last time.
Avu- Dada...please take care of him. And...

She shifted her gaze to the floor. 
Avu- Please tell him that I didn't betray him... 

She went inside the car and it drove off. 
Abhishek could do nothing but stand fixed at his spot. He could clearly see the person who has changed his brother, and brought him back to life going away from his live. The girl who made Siddharth smile once again, has now gone away. 
It was the first time Avneet actually addressed him as "Dada" (elder brother). 
And he was helpless. He has always considered her as his own sister. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't stop his sister. 
She has gone....far away from their lives. 

Inside Siddharth's room:
He was drinking. 
Yes...he was drinking glass after glass. His eyes were red and his hair were messy. The person, who had lighten up his life...the person, with whom he had unknowingly planned his future turned out to be a spy from his rival group. 
He doesn't care if she sold his information to them or not...
He was feeling betrayed as he never expected her to hide it from him. 

Sid- Was my love so weak that you didn't belief me? You thought I will kill you? I would have done it long back if I could.
He gulped a peg. 

"Why did you do that Avneet! I thought we had something between us... It was all fake! You lied! You said you work in a parlor. You hid your biggest secret from me! Why? Answer me why?"

He realized, she wasn't there with him...He laughed, which sounded more like a cry.

"My decision was perfect! I did a good job to send you away! I don't know if I can forgive you for what you did, but if we stay together, I will not be able to control myself for falling more from you."
He gulped more pegs.

"And I don't want that. You deserve better! I can't make your life a hell....once again."

His legs trembled as he tried to walk, But he didn't stop drinking. He fell on his bed and hugged the pillow which Avneet used. 

He was already drunk. He laughed out loud with tears brimming down without having any intention to stop. 
"Lets forget each other babyyy!"

He laughed without any reason.

He screamed and gulped down the rest amount of alcohol he had. His hands were shivering and the bottle fell from his hand. 
He laughed staring at the big bottle being broken down into small pieces.

He laid down. 
"Avneeeet, I love youuuuu!!!!"

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