Ch- 31 (Maybe...Mine?)

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Avneet was going to the supermarket. She had to buy a groom, soap, two packets of biscuits and some self required materials. She quickly did the shopping, as she really hates to shop. It is too time consuming and all the money gets wasted as where ever our eyes land, the heart says to buy it. 
On her way back to home, she was passing the police station. There was a jam. She wondered what might have happened. She thought to ask a local. 

Avu- Excuse me brother, why is here such a huge gathering? 
Local- I heard they caught a person from the mafias. 

Her heart pounded hearing the mafia word. 
Local- Probably Nigam. I am not sure. There are so many criminal these days, the country is going... 

Before the local could speak further she thanked him and took another route to her home. 

"Did they catch him? The Roa's made it successful to put the blame on him? Is he a fool! Why couldn't be proof that he is innocent? We have solid proofs."
Her heart raced thinking about the severe punishments one can get for these crimes. Siddharth has killed people for sure, but the list only included the harmful people. He has never targeted any citizen without sins, unless they interrupts too much.  

She returned home with a dull face. Sonia was happy to see the groom, as it was causing her trouble in its absence. 

She waited eagerly for the night to appear as after 9.00 pm, the news channel she regularly views show the local news. She was dying to know who the person was as if her life depended on it. 

"I said, I am innocent. You guys can do nothing but be the support of the harmful people!"
A man who aged more than 25 complained. 

He received a slap from the police officer. 
Police Officer- You better not speak much, for your own betterment. 

After a few paperwork, he was taken to a cell. He was way too irritated, but at the same time was aware that he had no time in his hand to wait for the day when he will be free from the prison legally. 
There wasn't any option. All he has to to is: Escape!

Avneet sat in the living room with her laptop in which she was preparing a presentation for her new job she wants to appeal. But she couldn't concentrate. Her mind was somewhere else. And then the clock screamed 9 o'clock as she mentally rejoiced. 

"Welcome to our local...."
The news channel gave the intro. 

Avu(in mind)- Can you just skip the intro for a day? You fucking bitches,! Just show me the news I am waiting for. 

After 20 more minutes when Avneet almost ran out of patience, she heard the news she was waiting for. 

"And the breaking news that will bring spark to you, The most wanted mafia, who ranks no.1 in the underworld, the boss of 'The Nigams' is being caught."
The channel continued displaying a footage, where a well built person was covered with a back cloth and was taken inside the prison. 

"This week has really taken our sleeps away. The criminals are getting caught. As far the our information says, the criminal is locked up. Such a treasure! Stay tuned for more updates."

Avneet sighed of discomfort. He was locked up. She couldn't concentrate on her work either. She requested Sonia to get her dinner in her room, as she wasn't feeling well. 
She laid on her bed and opened her gallery. It had his photos, which she had taken when he was asleep or wasn't noticing her taking a shot. 
She stared at him. 

 Avu- Was my love so weak that you couldn't trust me? I know it is my fault, but I don't care! Why did you asked me to leave when you were at edge of reaching success. I could have helped you, I know the tricks. 
She doesn't know for how long she has been laying in her bed. In the mean time, Jaijeet has given her dinner in her room, but she wasn't feeling like eating. Jaijeet knew the reason behind her sickness, and he has warned her to complete the food... 
She smiled. She really missed these cute sibling behaviors, but couldn't gulp la single piece of food until she gets another news about him. 

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