Ch- 38 [Pleasant times]

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Avneet woke up with the loud noise of her phone's alarm.
She frowned and switched it off when she realized she was laying in the embrace of her love, who has confessed his feelings yesterday.

She smiled and played with his hair gently, making sure it doesn't wake him up. A tint of red appeared on her cheeks when she recalled the last night, and noticing how firmly he was holding her.

"How long are you planning to stare at me? " the man spoke up suddenly in his deep morning voice that made her gulp her saliva.

"When did you wake up?" she said changing the topic.

"If I can answer according to myself, then I am awake since you are staring." he opened his eyes and she looked somewhere else but not him.

"And if I be honest, probably your irritating alarm woke me up" he finished.
"Sorry, I can't wake up unless it's loud sound plays." she apologized.

"Alright, I guess I will have to get used to it." he yawned and pulled her closer nuzzling his nose in her neck.

"What has happened?" he asked.

"My neck is paining" she said.
He looked at her neck and he changed his expression into a creepy smile.

"Something is wrong, why are you grinning like that?" Avneet asked.
", darling, I- I need to go to the washroom..." he quickly got up and went to the bathroom.

She sat up being confused and stretched her arms.
She shook her head in disbelief and went in front of the mirror to settle her hair.... and that was when she screamed.

Siddharth sighed from the bathroom.

"COME OUT YOU PERVERT!" she roared.
Siddharth knew he can't stay forever in the washroom, so he came out with his creepy smile.

As soon as she saw him she narrowed her eyes and clenched her fist.

Siddharth scratched his own neck not knowing what to reply. He was so hungry for her that last night he has filled her neck with dark hickeys. People won't belief he did it out of love, rather it looks she is abused.

He moved closer to her and held her waist.

"Babe..." he muttered.
"Don't even dare to butter me Mr. Nigam! It looks like some vampire has fed on me! Aishh, I don't have any concealer now, how will I hide them?"

He pulled her closer and leaned.
Sid- Why do you wan't to erase my marks?

No matter how many time she tries, she always fails to be bold when he leans closer to her.
Avu- G-go away! I am not trying to hide idiot, our relationship isn't official yet. What will I excuse up to Mom?

Avu- We neither stay at your place, where its only the two of us, so it won't matter what or how I look with your marks.

Sid- Do you mean that we should move into my place soon so that I can mark you mine numerous times?

She hit him with a blush.
Avu- Shut up you pervert! W-we will have to get back too.

He chuckled and leaned closer until she felt his lips on her forehead.

Sid- Go get freshened up. We will have our coffee and then leave I guess.

Siddharth was stealing glances of Avneet from the window glass. She looks so beautiful when her hair flies cooperating with the wind.

She has covered her hickeys with a concealer which they bought from the road shop. She doesn't want to hide the face that she is his now, but who would want a free session where you would get beaten up with a sandal, especially if you are an Asian?

Sid- Don't tell Jai that I had broken his rules.
Avu- Never! He will tease the hell out of me.

Sid- I like your bond.
Avu- Yah, that is because he irritates me and embarrasses me in front of you, right?

Sid- Maybe.
He looked at her directly to see her with her frown and he chuckled.

Sid- You look like a rabbit.
Avu- Rabbit?

He hummed.
Avu- Idiot!

They talked about random things and he stopped his car in front of her lane. They didn't want to leave each other's company.
Maybe they both knew about it. He took a breathe and lifted her chin with his index finger.

Sid- We will meet soon, okay?
Avu- I will wait.

They smiled.
Sid- By the way, I wanted to say something which I couldn't seeing your angst state in the morning.

Avu- What is it?
He smirked.

"Maybe I will not stop myself from marking you deeper, when we both will be staying together...just the two of us."

"J-jai is waiting for me. H-he knows I am with you. Well meet you soon. Bye!" she said in one breathe and quickly got out of the car.
She didn't want him to see how flustered she was with his words and she was afraid he would listen to her rapid beating of the blood pumping machine.

"Hey! Atleast give me a kiss!" he said chuckling. She quickened her pace which made him laugh.

Sid- I know you like it when I flirt.
He smiled again and drove off.

As Siddharth parked his car and entered their home, Abhishek greeted him. Vaishnavi was in the kitchen.

Abhi- You didn't receive my calls... Neither informed me how was the proposal... I-I was scared.
Vaishnavi walked up to him.

Vai- What did she say?

Siddharth spun around.

Avneet entered her home and got greeted by her parents.

Sonia- I didn't think you will come so soon. Well its a good thing.
Avu- Yeah, Vaishnavi di has some urgent work.

She lied not wanting to tell that Siddharth had office, so they left early.
Sonia- Alright, wake your brother up.

Avneet sighed and went to Jai's room. As per her expectation, he was sleeping like an ox.

Avu- Oy, wake up!
Jai nodded but didn't even open his eyes.

Avu- Are you waking up or not! Its 10. 30 am already.
Jai- Ohho Reem, you shouldn't spend much time with that witch, You are behaving like her.

Avneet smirked and took her phone out. She tapped the video option.

Avu- No baby, I am your Reem, not Avu.
Jai- Let's sleep bae.

Avu- No darling, wake up, if you do, I will kiss you.
Jai- When did you become so bold?

Avneet sighed and shook him vigorously.

Jai- Reem? Wait, Avu? Where is... What are.. Why are you fil...
Avu- Its freaking 10.30 idiot, go get freshened up. Yes, I am filming this to show it to Reem.

She ran away before he could react.

She went to her room and changed her dress. She washed her which removed the concealer. She looked at her reflection in the mirror.
His dark hickeys... his grip.. his voice... his words... his messy hair
He is messing with her.

Jai came in Avneet's room without warning. He knows that Avneet never stays in her room naked, she always comes out of the washroom fully dressed, so he had nothing to worry.

As soon as he saw her, his eyes widened.

Avneet came out of her dreamland hearing Jai.

Avu- W-what are you doing here?
But what Jai did was unexpected.

He ran to her and jumped on her hugging her tightly.
She was shocked but she hugged him back.

Jai quickly took his phone out and broke the hug. As a result, the view of her hickey's were filmed.

Jai- He didn't go gentle last night, did he?
Avu- H-huh? What the hell?

Jai- I feel like crying, oh lord, my sister is grown up, she has returned home with dark hickeys.
Avneet realized and she figured out why he was filming.

Avu- YOU MORON! Delete that video!
Jai- One condition.

Avu- What is it?
Jai- Delete my video which you took a while ago.

Avu- Sorry, not happening.
Jai- Then forget about me deleting yours.

Avu- Don't cross your limit Jai! I will complain Reem!
Jai- I will complain to jiju too.

Avu- YOU--

"Come down Avu and Jai, the breakfast is ready!"Sonia yelled.

Jai- Tell me? Did he hurt you?
Avu- Fuck you Jai! We didn't have sex.

Jai- Umm, what the fuck are these then?
He said pointing at her hickey.

Avu- H-he just kissed me that's it.
Jai- (Sigh) What else could I have even expected? I guess, I will have to teach him some skills.

Avu- Well, we aren't horny like you!
Jai- Bu the is good in bed I know... just look at his marks.

Avu- Stop day dreaming about my man and get out!
Jai- Ayee hayee "my man"?

Avu blushed a little.
Avu- I have a lot of things to share with you.

Do you like this style when I write their words as:
"Blah blah" he said.
"Oh" she replied.

Or do you like the previous style:
Avu- Blah blah.
Sid- Oh.

Personally, I feel the first one is more mature language but your pov matters, so please do let me know.

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