Ch- 18(Be my girlfriend...for an act)

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The next morning.

Avneet had her breakfast and bath. 
Avu- How should I cover it? What will I answer if they questions me?

She walked from the right corner of her room to the left.
Avu- Okay got it! My excuse is "I would uncover them after I change my clothes. I saw a cockroach in my bathroom so I will change here".

She mentally pat herself. 
She climbed the shelf and covered one of the cctv.
Siddharth went to this office place in his mansion and sat on his desk. Suddenly he got a call.

Sid- Yes?
Sm1- Sir, Avneet Kaur is covering the cctv cameras. 

Sid- Go in and bring her. 
Sm1- Sir, she has locked the door.

Sid- Spare key. 
He said with a cold face forwarding his hand to the staff. The staff handed it to him.

He stood up and walked towards her room.
Avu- 1st target is killed, now the rest two(she is referring the cctv camera's as each of her target)
Suddenly she saw the door lock moving.

Avu- Huh? I locked it didn't I?
The door opened revealing Siddharth. He looked at her but couldn't find her until his eyes landed on the shelf.

Sid- Climb down. Right now! 
His cold deadly look sent a shiver down her spine. She gulped and thought to climb down but under his death gaze she felt her legs trembling. She missed a step and closed her eyes fearing to fall down and break her bones...

But before she could touch the ground a muscular pair of hands held her casually as if he was prepared for it. She wrapped her hands around his neck fearing he would just leave her and she will fall to the ground. 

She opened one of her eye and immediately closed it clutching onto his shirt. He knew she was scared. 

Avu(in mind)- The end of my life has came...Thank You god for everything I experienced except this cold kidnapper. I love you Jai, mamma, papa and Reem... good bye everyone stay safe.

Sid(coldly)- What are you muttering?

Avu- I..I ...Please d...don't 

Before she could complete her sentence he went out of the room still carrying her in bridal style. The staffs looked at them with wide eyes and she was embarrassed. She covered her face with her hands continuously asking him to let her stand.

He just ignored her and brought her to his room. He threw her to the bed and closed the door and taking the remote to switch off the microphone he has attached on his room.

Avu(in mind)- Oh god, so embarrassing all were gossiping about us! And his cold face, I always loose my confidence...No! Before he kills you speak for yourself Avneet! Your last words....

Avu- Yeah? What was that? I have legs Mr. Nigam why did you carry me like that now everyone is talking about ...

She paused and gasped as he came closer to her and caged her between him and the bed. His co-lounge weakened her. 

Sid(huskily)- Talking about?
She gazed down...

Avu- U-Us (in mind) why are you shuttering Avneet! 
Sid- About what? 
He said coming closer. Her breathe hitched.

She looked here and there but not at him.

Sid- Where is your boldness now? 
Avu- Can't you just move b...back!

He held her wrist as she hissed in pain.

Sid- What were you doing?
She tried to free herself from his grip but failed. She could use her martial art skills but she was afraid if he gets to know about her real profession and kill her right at spot.

She took a deep breathe.
Avu- There was a big cockroach in my bathroom so I couldn't change my clothes and I can't show my body to your staffs right Mr. Nigam? 

Sid- You could just have called the aunt. 
Avu- I...

Sid- I will take you somewhere tomorrow, so I wanted to ask  if you have a good dress in the closet.

Sid- Do you have a good dress to put on?
Suddenly her smile faded hearing his tone.

Avu- Will you sell me?
He let go of her wrist and held her cheeks roughly.

Sid- Didn't I tell you not to question me? I think you don't have an idea about what will happen if you don't listen to me.

Avu- You will kill me. 

He got another call. He picked it and ended it with a smirk.He have her a mask.
Sid- Follow me. Let me show you a demo.
She had no option. 

She was taken to the same torture room where she found herself the first day she was brought into the mansion.
She stood in the corner while he went forward to a man who was tied and had injuries.

Sid- What's up? 
Man- I admit it was my fault,....please leave my son.

He smiled and bent to his height. 
Sid- You realized it was your fault...thats great. 

The man looked at him with hopeful eyes.
Siddharth changed his facial expressions to his cold face.

Sid- Just pay me money you motherfucker! 
He slapped his cheek.

Sid- Password of your bank account?
The man didn't speak.

A staff gave Siddharth a rod which was just burnt red by heating.
He beat the man with the rod.

Man- XXU8SKjkCH8.

Siddharth's staff- Yes sir, its true. 
The staff said while entering the password into the computer screen.

Sid- 100 million.
Man- NO!

He stood upon his hand as he screamed in pain.
Sid- While you gathered it from the poor, why didn't you think about it.

Staff- Transferred.

Man- It was my hardwork, maybe the way is illegal.
Sid- Shut your fucking mouth when you know nothing about mafia world. 

Man- M..My son?
Sid- You both will have to distribute the money from where you collected it touching thier feet under my worker's supervision.

He walked out holding Avneet's hand.

Back to Siddharth's room.

Sid- You saw it?
She nodded.

Sid -Words!
Avu- Yes.

Sid- So tomorrow, you will have to act as my girlfriend.
Her eyes widened.

Avu- What! Are you serious! I me..
Sid- You need a punishment?

Avu- I do have a dress. 
Sid- Bring it.

Avneet brought five dresses but he approved none.
Sid- You will get your dress by tomorrow.

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