Ch- 27 (The truth untold)

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It's been two months already, since Avneet has been staying in the same room with him.
Siddharth noticed the changes he went through. He isn't as rude as he was few days back. He isn't cold and heartless anymore...
A simple girl...
A simple girl just came to his life from nowhere and has now almost brought his old, cheery- bubbly and lively personality back.

" It isn't for good. "
That is what all he thought.

She is pure, she is helpful, she is kind and cute. She is annoying and sassy but at the same time she has some powers that is making Siddharth sweet and lively.... once again.
Innocent people are just born to get betrayed.
Then why?
Why is she bringing him back to his old self?
But somewhere he liked it. He loved his changes. He loved the way he was being loved...once again.
Were they both falling in love? Will they live happily now?
They both had this question.

Presently, Abhishek-Vaishnavi, Siddharth and Avneet were sitting in a circle. They have been working together to bring Vaishnavi's father's company, The Roa... was close to break down. Their rival,The Nigams has been tracking all their activities and has known a lot of their resources too.

They disscussed about their next plans. It would be a lie if one doesn't accept how the techniques of "The Nigams" has improved, just because of the teamwork of these four.

Vaishnavi isn't a betrayer. She really hates her father and wants to bring them down.
Avneet has a wonderful mind. She is very intelligent and quick to find the solutions. Overall, they were at the peak of bringing down the illegal workings of "The Roa".

On the other hand:
Mr. Rao, their Boss aka Vaishnavi's father fears if all their secrets and codes were revealed by Avneet, though he doesn't know if she is alive.
In addition to that, Vaishnavi was no where found too.

After investigating a lot and appoing spies, he got to know Avneet is safe there.
He thought to take a risk. He revealed a number for Mr. Nigam to call him to contact him. He wants him to give an information.
As per expectation, Siddharth agreed to talk via a phone call.

He was patiently waiting for Siddharth to call him.
And his phone rang.

He picked it up smirking.

On call:

Mr. Rao- Hello Mr. Nigam. Nice to talk to you.
Sid- Are you calling me for not to let your company get destroyed?

Mr. Rao- Oh Mr. Nigam, maybe you will go down now.
Sid- What's your purpose?

Mr. Rao- Do you know Avneet Kaur is my spy?
Sid- Nice Joke.

Mr. Rao- Check it out dear. You are always free to call me.
Call conversation ends.

Siddharth sat on his bed.

His pov:
What a nice joke. He thinks I will belief him.
How does he know Avneet? His sources aren't that strong to find out about my relationship...
Am I overthinking?

His brows crept together

If I join the points...
I met Avneet at a mafia get together...
She felt bad when I killed a guy from The Roa.
She isn't afraid of me much. Wait that doesn't count.
She is aware of a lot of tricks and hacks.
End of his pov.

While Siddharth and Avneet along with Vaishnavi and Abhishek were thinking of ways to bring the Roa's down, there came a complex passcode.
They worked on it but all went veil.
Suddenly one day Avneet came up with a plan, and it was successful. It was not a simple code but a highly complecated one. It isn't easy for a person who hasn't studied these.
When he asked Avneet, she said that she knows a little of these as she studied about it when she was addicted to mystery stories.

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