Ch-5 (The Party)

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Avneet's pov:
Mr. Nigam will attend it, but the quetion is how should I spy on him? Like no one knows his face. How do I recognise him?
He is a skilled one, so he won't show signs which would make a spy suspect  him. Lets hope our team gets successul today!

 Lets hope our team gets successul today!

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I don't do much makeup so I think this much would be okay

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I don't do much makeup so I think this much would be okay. Normal people are also invited there so my outfit won't get judged.
Its a risky mission. No ones should know our identities.... Good Luck Avneet
End of her pov.

She took blessings from her parents and went for the party having a small fight with Jai which was a everyday job of them.

At the Party:

Siddharth's pov:
The Nigam is here; where are all the detectives and spies of my rivals...
End of his pov.

End of his pov

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(A/n- Eye mask is necessary in mafia parties for identity protection

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(A/n- Eye mask is necessary in mafia parties for identity protection.)

Siddharth knew many were drooling on him and was also trying to get his attention but his motive to attend this party was to catch his biggest rival.

There were mocktail and beers. All were enjoying and dancing.

Avneet's pov:
Who can be Mr. Nigam? I heard he is very handsome....but everyone is wearing a mask; how do I get him?
My group members are thinking the same too. What to do?
Ahh! My brain is stopped. Maybe a little drink can help? Not alchohol bit a normal juice....
End of her pov.

She was heading towards the bar juice section when suddenly a she saw a girl trying to clinge on a guy.
Avneet looked at him and somehow felt as if she knows him.

She moved ahead leaving her thoughts.
Her mind felt refreshing sipping that sprite.
Suddenly she heard two people calling "Nigam".

She was going in that direction when a strong pair of arms grabbed her.
She felt his breathes on her neck and a shiver ran through her spine.

He spoke in a deep voice

"Don't go in that direction... its dangerous."

He left her and went away. She immediately turned back and saw his back and recognised him to be the same man she saw with that girl.

Avu- Is he....

She ran behind him and tried catching him but he was quicker.
Though, the luck was by her side. A waiter dropped a juice in his dress. He shouted at him and she took this opertunity to go to him and removed his mask.
The waiter was long gone so he didn't see them.

Avu- You?
It was siddharth.

Sid- Till date no one dared to look properly in my eyes and you dared to remove my mask? You even argued with me that day....

Avu- A..are you that freaking Mr. Nigam?
He smirked at her and before his answer there was a chaoes.

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