Ch- 22 (Truth behind Vaishnavi's dad)

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Though Avneet felt Siddharth is not what he seems especially with Vaishnavi's words ringing in her ears, but she often when to his room through the tunnel and tried finding his secretes.

One day Abhishek came to Avneet's room:

Abhi- Avneet, Vaishnavi wants to meet you.
Avu- I wanted to meet her too. She is so sweet.

Abhi- I know right.
Avu- Do you love her? (teasingly)

Abhishek's eyes widened.

Abhi(trying to cover up)- Who said? No...
Avu- I am not that fool to not notice it.

Abhi- Ugh! I don't know why but I just can't lie to you. Fine I do love her but she mustn't know about it.
Avu- Okay, I will help her realize her feelings too.

Abhi- You mean she likes me back?
Avu- Are you even a mafia? Can't you read her eyes? Her body language and her expressions?

Abhi(in mind)- Well, you are unable to read Siddharth too. He loves you, and I know that. Does everyone become a naive when it comes to their love life?

Avu- Where are you lost?
Abhi- No where. Now, the thing for what I came here, you should get ready by 5.00 pm.

Avneet nodded and he left the room passing her a smile which she returned back.

It was almost lunch time. She went to her ward drop to find a suitable dress.
Just when she was satisfied with the outfit after 30 minutes, there was a knock in the door. She knew it must be the maid to give her lunch. She wasn't hungry.
She had her breakfast a little late and Abhishek also gave her a big chocolate.
Yes, Abhishek often pampers her with all these behind Siddharth.

She opened the door but there was a man instead of the regular maid.

Man- Sir has told me to give you the food today.
She smiled and told him that she wasn't hungry. The man insisted that she should drink a class of milk at least to which she agreed. She somehow wasn't getting a good vibe from him and wanted him to go.
He soon returned with a glass of milk. She took the glass and kept in on the table. But as she turned back to keep the glass, the man entered her room and locked the door.

Avu- What the hell?
Man- Quite baby girl, I just want to hear daddy from your mouth nothing else.

She tightened her fist.
Avu- Before something bad happens, I am asking you...LEAVE!

The man just smirked and came closer towards her. He held her wrist tightly but she still pleaded him to leave. When he tried touching her she pushed him harshly.

Avu- I warned you but seems you have chosen your bad.
Man- You dared to push me! (ugly smirk) Now, daddy won't go gentle.

She smiled over sweetly and walked to him and straight punched his face. She didn't wait for him to react and just beat him mercilessly.

Man- I am s...sorry...l-e-a-v-e me pl-ease...
Avu- Awe, daddy got afraid so easily....its just the beginning! I thought to go gentle, but you turned me on so much, that I will be rough now.

Blood oozed from his mouth and he was severely injured. He could barely breathe when there was a knock in the door. She gave him a dead look.

Avu- Our hot session ended so quickly...oh no! I wanted it more daddy...

She walked over his hand and opened the door. There was Siddharth.

Siddharth just came home when he heard a noise in the cctv control room.
He went there and his eyes caught the zoomed footage of Avneet's room where a man was trying to rape her.
His blood boiled but before he could take any step, he heard Avneet warning the man.
And her next steps widened the eyes of everyone present there.
Siddharth was a little jealous because Avneet did call the man daddy but he was too shocked seeing her fight like this. He has seen her fighting once but not so mercilessly.
When the man was about to collapse, he went to her room to stop a murder.
He wanted to torture the man before his death.

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