Ch-13 (Saved Vaishnavi)

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After driving till a little distance Abhishek noticed her shivering a bit.

He opened his jacket and gave it to her.

Vai- No thanks.
Abhi- You are in your bathrobe....are you trying to...

Vai- NO! G-give it to me.
She wore his jacket as he chuckled.

Vai- I curse you. Who takes out a girl like this?
Abhi- You should be grateful cause I helped you.

Vai- Correction, you returned me the favour I did few days ago.
Abhi- Whatever.

Vai- Where are we going now?

Abhi- I can't take you to my mantion right now but, for some days you can stay in one of our houses. There will be guards so don't try to be oversmart. If you are caught doing something suspecious, I won't hesitate to do something bad. For your kind information, your dad is our biggest rival.

Vai- Oh hello, he is my not my biological dad and I hate him! He is a fucking bastard. He kept me alive to get me married to his rival whom he can't compete.
Abhi- So thats what you are doing?

Vaishnavi rolled her eyes.

Vai- Do I look like that? I said I hate him. And if you don't belief, just send me to foreign and leave me alone. Forget about me that I existed. I wanted to get out of there and thats it. I am not at all interested in you.

Abhi- Will see.

He drove her to a small house. It had several body guards and she was safe there.
He took her to her new room.

Abhi- Here is your room. For calling me ask the guards.
Vai- I won't need that.

He moved closer to her as her breathe hitched. He took several strands of her hair and played with them maintaing an eyecontact with her.

Abhi- Can you guarantee that? (Huskily) Goodbye...

Siddharth was waiting impatiently for Abhishek when he heard the knocking of the door. He immediately opened it knowing it was Abhishek.

He came in and gave him the details.

Sid- What if she is carring a tracker?
Abhi- She was in her bathrobe. I checked her shoes and her hair. Moreover when we entered I had already set one tracker machine. It would stop us if she had a tracker.

Sid- How shameless!
Abhi- I am elder Siddharth!

Sid- I don't care. I will judge her myself, and will get information from her okay?

Abhi- Do I have option?
Sid- I guess no.

That night Avneet was brought to Siddharth's room again. She requested him to her her two days back and she got the chance today.

Sid- What the hell do you want?
Avu- I am bored here. 

Sid- Do you think I have brought you here to stay and live like a queen? If thats your reason, leave.
Avu- Just listen to me once, you can give me some works.

Sid- Leave.
Avu- Okay last thing, please inform my parents, that I am safe here.

Sid- Security!
Two of his guards came in and dragged her out.
Amandeep and Sonia sat in their living room waiting for Avneet. They have been doing this everyday since when she has not returned. Her agency informed that they are searching for her.

 Just then their door bell rang. Sonia went there like a lion goes to it's prey hoping for Avneet to return.
There was a delivery boy.

Boy- House of Avneet Kaur?
Sonia- Yes.

Boy- Here is a parcel.
Sonia- No we haven't ordered anything.

The boy kept the parcel and went. Sonia picked it and went inside.

Aman- Lets open it. 
They opened it and saw a letter.

"I am the boss of the agency Avneet is at. She is safe and healthy. Don't dare to inform police as I have better source than them. Enjoy!"

Aman- Her company asked us to inform them if we get a single hint.

Sonia was sobbing.

Sonia- I don't know. All what I know if we shouldn't have allowed her go in this profession.
Aman- There might be risks at her profession but we can't say that.

Sonia- You won't understand my feelings. Only a mother can relate.

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