Ch- 26 (Jealousy)

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Read the previous one if you haven't.

Siddharth took a deep breathe before entering his room after returning from his work. He went in and found her reading a book as usual. 

Sid(clear throat)- Get ready.
She looked at him as she couldn't belief her ear. He would take her out? Without her requests? 

Sid- 10 minutes. 
Avu- Is there some work?

Siddharth loosened his tie. 
Sid(huskily)- Didn't I tell you not to question me? Did you forget the rules!

Avu- Sorry...I just got my hopes high. But you don't have to take me out. I am just a girl whom you mistakenly brought up. I am okay here. 

Sid- Did I ask for your opinion? Either you get ready, or else... I have my own ways.

Sid(in mind)- I again spoke rudely to her! Fuck off Siddharth!
Her words affected him. She wasn't just a random girl to him. And somewhere he knew that.

Avneet got up and quickly made herself ready to go out. In the mean time he changed too. They went to the car. 
Siddharth opened the door of the passenger seat. She wasn't angry but she still got pleased by his actions. She knows he was asking her forgiveness. She was just sad but she isn't now. Why is he like this? 

They drove off to a restaurant to have their lunch.

Sid- Order whatever you like. 
It was a rich restaurant. She doesn't like to spend much money. 

Avu- Butter nun and chicken.

A young men came to take the order. 
Sid- A plate of butte nun, two mutton curry, one mango and one custard apple ice cream. Quick.

The boy noted the order looking at Avneet and left. 

Avu- Why did you order so many things! And have you see the price of mutton curry!
Siddharth knows her favorites and he knows that she won't eat things because it's expensive even though she wants it. 
But he didn't like the way the waiter stared at Avneet.

Sid- Did you like that boy?
Avu- Huh?

Sid- Did you like that waiter?
Avu- What is to like or dislike him in such a short interaction!

Soon the orders came. The same waiter served them. He looked at Avneet and smiled, to which she smiled back. She is a sweet girl, she isn't rude. 
The waiter was about to serve the food too.

Sid- You may leave.
Waiter- Sorry sir it is my duty.

Sid- I said leave.
Waiter- But...

Avneet knew something unwanted was coming up. 
Avu- I will serve him, you may go to the other customers. 
The waiter went. 

Avneet served them. Seeing those delicious foods, her mouth watered and she ate like no tomorrow. Siddharth's anger flew away. 

He paid the bill and they went out. They went to a park. It had long trees and was less crowded. They both liked it. 
Siddharth gulped and held her hand. 
She looked aside to hide her blush. 

Sid- I...I shouldn't have said you those yesterday.
Avu- It's okay I am just a random girl. 

Sid(low voice)- You aren't Avneet. 
Avu- Did you say something? 

She pretended not to hear it. 
Sid- I said uh... I am sorry. 
Avu- I am not angry.

He smiled. 
Avu- You should often say such words to me and take me out. 
Sid- I don't do this every time!

Sid- Lets go to a club.
It was almost night but still they were out. Siddharth has planned to have dinner with her too. 

Avu- NO! You will drink again!
Sid- Uh fine.

Sid- Where would you like to eat? 
Avu- I know a hotel here, it really gives awesome food. 

Siddharth followed her direction and they went to a cheap road side hotel. But it was beautiful. They peacefully had their dinner and came out. 

Sid- You wait here, I will bring the car. 
Avu- Okay. 

As Siddharth went the same waiter appeared of nowhere. 

Waiter- Aren't you choosing the wrong person?
Avu- Huh? What are you doing here. 

Waiter- I can pleasure you better than him. 
Avu- Excuse me I am him aren't dating. 

Waiter- It's better then. I am really fallen for you.
Avu- I am not interested. 

He held her hand and her cheek. She jerked his hands off.

Avu- I am warning you go away.
He creepily smiled and cupped her cheeks and leaned to her lips.
Right at that moment Siddharth came with the car and his blood boiled seeing the waiter trying to force Avneet.
He punched the guy as he fell and he kicked him hard.
Avneet was fearing this. 

She somehow separated them and the waiter ran away. 
Sid(angry)- Why did you save him!

Their mansion wasn't much far and he drove off there at the highest speed. She tried her best explaining. 
He dragged her to their room and slammed the door. She was scared. She knew she is the one who has caused the problem and he is angry with her. 

Avu- Please understand me.
He opened the door of their washroom and washed her hand and her cheek where the waiter touched. 

Sid(cold)- You know self defense, why didn't you beat him then!
Avu- I was about to...

Her words were cut off as he pushed her to the wall and caged her in between him and the wall. 

Sid(smirk)- You didn't do it right, he will be at my basement tomorrow. 
He saw his fingerprints on her jaw. 

Avu- Don't do this to him...
Sid- Why? Your lover?

Avu- No Siddharth! Don't act like you aren't understanding. He liked me and I rejected him thats it.
He leaned towards her and her heart skipped a beat. 

Sid(husky)- But I don't like it when you are close to other male.
Avu- A...are you d...drunk!

He leaned closer and smooched her jawline. She closed her eyes and let out the breathe she was holding for long. 

Sid- I am not darling.
He trailed kissed down her neck and her collarbone. 

She held his hair in her fist.
He sucked and licked her soft spot giving her a hickey. 

He looked at her. She looked hot while panting.
He leaned closer to her and smashed his lips upon hers. He kissed her roughly but it has his passion and care. She was too shocked to kiss him back.

He sucked her lip until she moaned of pain. He broke the kiss and smirked seeing her swallowen lips.
He stared direct into her eyes.
They didn't share words....
But he said that she belonges to him. In every life, every situation. Only HIS.

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