Ch- 21 (His Past)

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Sid- wanted to hear my past?

Avu(in mind)- No, I don't...or uh maybe I do? 

Avu- When did I say that? Its...its your choice. I said shar...
Sid- When we first met at cafe you remember what I said? 

Avu- No...
Sid- You talk too much. What is the need to waste so many words just say "Go ahead"!

Avu- You...
He sat on the bed and spoke without letting her complete.

Sid- I was a fool and an understanding person, who got betrayed. When I was  a kid, my dad left us. My mom raised me and my brother as a single parent but when I was in my college a man impressed her a lot. She has always received taunts and blamed herself for not being able to give us a father's love which was totally her point of her but wasn't the truth. Me and dada liked that man too. 

She was listening to him carefully.

Sid- But we didn't know he was such a whore. Mom got married to him and the few months after their marriage was very good until he interfered our business. Soon he took over our business. We and mom trusted him blindly. But we were mistaken.

Her eyebrows crinkled.

Sid- On the other hand, I really liked a girl whom I fell in  love in our tution. She was pretty and caring. She understood me well. I developed feelings over her but then my life turned 360 degree. Our mom died of no disease. 
He paused looking at her who was so engulfed in his words.

Sid- Just after a few days of her death, I and dada became a little stable. I thought to propose her. But then I found her in the same bed with my dad. She wasn't into me, she cared for me just for money, and when she found out about our dad's intention to kill us and take our whole property under his name, she dated him.

He paused to catch his breathe.

Sid- And then I ran away with dada. We had no where to go. Our house wasn't safe for us. If stepdad I mean that bloody fucker found out our location, He would kill us.  

She noticed he had tears. 

Sid- What was my fault? She fooled me Avneet...she pretended to love me but then dated my step dad. Later we found out it was our step dad who killed mom. 

She walked closer to him and stood between his legs who was sitting on the bed. 
He looked at her and she gave an assuring smile. She opened her arms and hugged him. He felt different. He hugged that girl before too, but never felt this way. He wrapped his hands around her waist crying into her chest. She caressed his hair. None faked their action. 

After letting him cry for sometime she slowly spoke up.
Avu- Is she the one I saw today?
Sid- Yes...

Avu- Lets sleep now.
He pulled out of the hug.

Sid- I need to drink. You won't understand.
Avu- I am making the bed...You mustn't go from here.

She quickly arranged the bed while he stared at her.

Sid(in mind)- What is happening shit! I am trusting her... I am not protesting her. She is appearing differently to me. I can't fall in love with her! Its fake. Its waste of time.

Avu- Lay down now. Its quite late.
Sid- Why aren't you listening to me?

Avu- Common, I am sleepy.
He sighed and listened to her. 

Avu- I will read you a beautiful story. You just close your eyes okay? 
She said while laying with the support of the headboard. 

He wasn't really concentrating on the story...but her. The soft wind blowing her hair and her reading to him with all her attention.

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