Ch-6 (Kidnapped)

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There was a chaos. Siddharth heard something in his earphone:

"Boss, we have found your rival."

He rushed there followed secretly by Avneet.

Sid- All up!

A smoke bomb bursted. There was smoke everywhere. Avneet felt a hand grabbing her and soon she fell unconcious.

(A/n- I know its illegal to use, but you don't expect mafias to be legal right? Also this is just a fanfiction, nothing relates from real life.)

When she opened her eyes, she found her in an unknown room.

Avu(in mind)- I was in the party how did I end up here? There was a smoke ball attack....
Wait...did they kidnap our team?

She looked around and saw her members with the same amused face. Their mouth-hands-legs were tied so none were able to speak.

The door got opened.

All man in black came in with their respective masks.

Man1- Listen kittens, our boss will ask a few questions to you all. Answer it truthfully, orelse guess what?

They laughed.

Man2- You will be directly sent to hell.

Man3- And don't make our boss angry, or else you might get a taste of hell before dying. That would be more painful I guess?

The door was again opened with their Boss entering like a king.

Boss- Hello guys, welcome to the basement of The Nigams.

Avu(in mind)- He is that clumsy guy I met at starbucks and is the boss of the Nigams?

(The boss of The Nigams is Siddharth ofcourse so why suspension?)

Siddharth's eyes felt on Avneet.

Sid- You? Are you related with them?
Her face was tied so she was unable to speak. He smirked and went closer to her benting down.
He removed the cloth from her mouth and held her cheeks tightly.

Sid- Speak honestly.
Avu- I don't know them. Why am I even here?

Sid- Then how did you know about the Nigams?
She was quite and he tightened his grip earning her tears.

Sid- I don't like to waste my time.

Avu- I know because when I came here I got into a friendship with that girl
(she pointed a girl who was from her team) and she told me about the Nigams and told me to say if I see something suspecious. Please leave me.

Sid let go of her and went to the others. He ordered his men to open the cloths their mouth were tied with.

Sid- Do you know that girl?

The members were told not to reveal anyone's identity from their team member, especially Avneet because their boss felt she is better than the others.
They played along telling they doesn't know Avneet.

Sid- I would like to ask two more questions. Firstly, where is Abhishek and secondly tell me the name of your boss.

None spoke.

Sid- I think you hate to live. Okay. Kill every fucking member from that dear rival of mine. But before that....

He went to Avneet.

Sid- I want to kill her infront of your eyes.

The members were highly qualified so they knew if they showed any emotion, then it would be proved that Avneet is known to them. Thus they stayed emotionless. One of them spoke up.

Member- Kill her and let us go.

Sid took his gun and directly shot that guy.

Avu- Hey you! Why did you kill him?

Sid- Aww. Did you feel bad because he is your team member?

Avu- I freaking don't know them. Why are you doing this to me?

He smirked at her and ordered his team to kill them if they doesn't speaks up about their boss.

Sid- And just let one of his man go to inform him, that I have caught them. I don't need anyone to find where Abhishek is.

He asked his pa to lock Avneet in a room.

Avu(in mind)- He is so naive that he even believed I am innocent. But why am I even here! He should release me cause I told him I am not a spy.
What is this guy upto!
I am so fucking annoyed.

With Abhishek.
He was sitting in the dark room he was kept.
Abhi- Someone please come to help me. Siddharth must be worried. I can't get killed like this. I am yet to marry and have kids.

Just then there was a powercut. The little amount of light which was entering the room stopped too.
He was thinking how to utilize this when he heard a female voice:

Voice- Hey, I know you are locked here. I can help you get out of here if you promise to help me back.

He was stunned to response. Her scent was driving his crazy.

Voice- Will you or won't you.
Abhi- I will.

Voice- Good. We don't have time now. The guards must be on their way. I will contact you as soon as possible. Just don't forget to help me out! Got it?

Abhi- Yes.

The door was opened revealing guards with torches.

Guard1- He is here.
Guard2- Hush. Thank God.

They closed the door and he kept thinking about the girl.

Abhi- Who was she? Why on the earth is she helping me? Is this a trap? But.....but her smell...its crazy. Whatever....just come again whoever you are. Free me from here, I will help you with whatever you want.

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