Ch-16 (Her ignorance)

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Siddharth woke up finding her cuddled in himself. He tried recalling what happened the night before.

They have slept together before too but it was basically him hugging her. But this time they both were cuddling each other. 

Sid(in mind)- Fuck! I was so damn drunk that I can't remember any freaking shit I did yesterday except me going close to her. She (trying hard to remember) was looking at me with widened eyes! Holy Shit! I kissed her. Not the lips but somewhere else. I don't remember exactly where but I did. 

She stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes rubbing them with her soft hands. He gazed at her shamelessly until she was totally awake. She pushed him and immediately got up. 

Sid(in mind)- No scoldings? No shouting?

She came out of the bathroom thinking me went but her thought was totally wrong.

Sid- For yesterday....

She went to the mirror and began applying her cream and combing her hair showing no expression of interest in his explanation

Sid(in mind)- Ignoring the king of ignorance? Does she know how many girls are ignored by me?

He rolled his eyes and went from there.

But the whole day her behavior bothered him. Finally fighting enough against him, he decided to stand in front of his reflection and have a good conversation.
He looked at him through the mirror.

Sid- when she shouts, I feel my ears are about to burst. I really get annoyed. But why not today? She is quite then its bothering me?

He slammed his hand on the table.

Sid- No! She ignored me! Why the fuck is it bothering me!

He heard a knock in his door. It was Abhishek. He sat in his bed as he saw Abhishek entering. 

Abhi- I saw you zoning out the whole day Siddharth? What's wrong with you?
Sid- She! 

Abhi- Huh?
Sid- That annoying over talkative girl.

Abhi- What did Avneet do?
He said while settling himself comfortably on his couch knowing he has to listen to some nonsense now.

Sid- Yesterday....Ugh! I know I did it wrong, but I just over drank and went to her room. 
Abhi- So you guys went physical?

Sid- Shut up Dada! NEVER! I don't know why I end up in her room whenever I am drunk. Whatever! So yesterday I was too drunk and she is ignoring me from the morning!

Abhi- Isn't it too weird that the day before you complained me about her being noisy and now you are not liking her silence.

Sid- Ugh! I don't know.

Abhi- Why don't you just accept it that you like her? No matter how she is and what she does, you just like her! That is why whenever you are out of your control, you go to her. And her ignorance is killing you.

Sid- If you see a goat speaking in human language, won't it be weird? That is what happened nothing else okay? That noisy girl suddenly became quite so its bothering me.

Abhi- No girl could ever grab your attention from the past few years and suddenly you are bothered by her? Think about it Siddharth, I will just leave you alone. 

He left with his words.

Sid- He is another fool! Love is fake! I am so sick of this fake love and the couples! 

Abhishek went to Avneet's room. He knocked the door and entered getting a response from her.

Avu- Sir you?
Abhi- Why are you calling me sir when that day you treated me as your brother?

She looked down not knowing what to do. He understood what she was thinking.

Abhi- I know Avneet, You are wondering if it is right to be the sister of the most dangerous mafia's elder brother, but let me tell you that a relation never needs boundary, if it is true. It totally depends on you if you will consider me as a brother or not but you will always be my own sister. 

Avu- Why did you trust me without knowing me?

Abhi- When you cared for me for getting hurt...I won't mind if you deny me as an elder brother...its an emotion, obviously it won't grow if I force you. So don't stress out okay? Chill!

She smiled at him and he smiled back. 

Avu- Why don't you take a sit?
He nodded and sat at the coach.

Abhi- Anyways, I am here to ask sorry on my brother's behalf for what he has done yesterday. I saw it on the cctv footage. 
He looked down.

Abhi- I have deleted that footage to stop the rumors so you better don't disclose it.
Avu- What will be my profit if I do so?

Abhi- Avneet, let me tell you that, The person he is today is due to some reasons. But I really miss the old him. I don't want you to become cold as him...I like your bubbly personality, stay like that. He is rude and cold but please don't change yourself because of him. 

Avu- I won't. He is no one to me except a shitty kidnapper who has way too attitude.

Abhi- Please don't misunderstand him...he never ever looked at a girl these years but you are somewhat different. The reason why I am telling you this is because I feel you can bring him back to his old form. If he becomes like before he might leave you from here. Just stay how you are, that will change him. I am pleading you Avneet....bring him back.

He joined his hands at her. Avneet held his hands.

Avu- Why are you doing this when you said I am like your sister? 
He looked at her with hopeful eyes. She took her hands back.

Abhi- I really miss my old brother who was enough to light up the atmosphere. You can bring him back Avneet and that is why I am requesting you. You have no profit but still... He just needs to be loved. I am not telling you to get into a relationship with him or something, but just don't hate and stay away from him though I know he just deserves your hatred. Do you get what I mean?

Avu- You want me to bring him back to his old form right? 
Abhi- Yes. I know I asking way too much, but please. It depends on you if you will keep my request but as a brother I want the best for him, so I told all these to you today. Think about it...

He stood up. 

Abhi- Just keep my words in your mind. And again I apology for his behavior.
Avneet stood up and walked him to the door.

Avu- I will think about it. 
She closed the door. 

Abhi- You can sister....and if there is something called fate and love, You will succeed! 

Avu's pov:
I can never love him. But I always help people. Should I help him too? If I can bring him back to his old form I can get free from here. 
Huh! I won't even give it a try unless I know about him. First I will investigate and then will think about it. At the end of the day he is a rude arrogant spoilt pervert jerk and a fucking asshole!

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