Ch-3 (This is the Kaur Family)

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"She has got the guts to ignore you...."
Abhishek's words were hitting on him...

Sid's pov:
Isn't it obvious that people have different choices? So why on the Earth she would fall for me like all the other girls?
She has a different choice maybe?
Stop bothering yourself Siddharth!
She reminds me of that girl in our college who dared to show her sassiness to me.
UGH! She speaks too much! My whole concentration got broken due to her.
I can't even focus now!
What the fuck?
End of his pov.

He tried concentrating a lot but all his mind thought was about her sassiness....the way she said she isn't interested in him....the way she didn't even look at him properly. He is the man of many girl's dream and here she ignored him indirectly.
He was pissed off.

With Avneet:
She was going to her home mentally cursing siddharth the whole way for ruining her mood.

Avu- If I ever meet him, I will give him a tight punch. Huh! Me follow him? Not even in his wild dreams. Now coming to that Nigams. They are a great mafias I know but how do I trace them? We don't even know where they lives neither any of their employees.

Suddenly she bumped with someone and hurted her head.

Avu- You donkey!
It was her brother jaijeet.

Jai- Chudail! Ahh is your head made of stone or what?
Avu- I should ask that instead.

Jai- What are you doing here?
Avu- I guess normal people takes this way to go to our home.

She replied rolling her eyes.

Jai- You have any watch? Atleast you have your phone...look at the time. Its not safe for girls.

Avu- Before I show my self defense skills, I think you should go to home.

Jai- I was just thinking good about you.
She smelled something.

Avu- I can smell something fishy....why are you praising and caring me all of a sudden?

Jai- Aww you are so intelligent.
Avu- Spill it.

Jai- Can you convince mom and dad to let me to to a club?
Avu- What the fuck? You wanna drink at this age?

Jai- No no no....I won't drink, woh Reemie has asked me to accompany her.

Avneet started walking. They were near to their home so she reached quickly and directly went to her room. Jaijeet followed her like a lost puppy and then left out a deep sigh as she slammed the door against his face.

Jai- Mom, I will make some coffee.
Sonia- Huh? You aren't a coffee person.

Jai- No I just feel like eating it today
He laughed awkwardly.

Sonia- As you wish. Just don't burn the kitchen.
Jai- Mom!

Avneet freshned up when there was a knock to her door.
Voice- Avu! Open the door.

It was sonia's voice. She opened it and saw Jai standing with a cup of coffee with puppy eyes with his voice recorder on.

He forcefully entered and kept the cup on her table.

Jai- You must be tired, I should give a massage to you.
He started massaging her back ignoring her rebels and after a few minutes he left saying he has some work.

She smiled at him and sipped the coffee.
Avu- Love sick puppy.

At the dinner table:

Avu- Mom, Dad....
Sonia- Yeah?

Avu- See abb.... Jai is g..going to be 19 soon
Aman- So?
Jai looked happily at her.

Avu- W...will you l...let him go to a c-l-u-b party?

There was silence.

Avu and Jai looked at each other and gulped in nervousness.

Suddenly they heard laughter.

Sonia- For this Jai was preparing her a coffee today!
Aman- Kids these days.

Jai and Avu sighed in relief.
But just then he became serious.

Aman- You can go, but you should remember, that if I find you in a drunken state or with any girl you will be homeless. Same for avneet. You can go too but my points are to be noted. If you fail, neither me not Sonia will have you as our children.

Avu and Jai smiled in happiness and thanked their parents but their gaze to each other turned to usual.

Avu went to her room and found a chocolate on her table with a thank you note but he again addressed her as a witch.
She shook her head in disbelief and slept.

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