Ch- 17 (The secret tunnel)

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In Avneet's room:
She was thinking about Abhishek's words when suddenly her leg bumped with a hard substance. She fell.

Avu- Ouch! 
Anger raised in her as she it was paining her.

She was about to kick that place when something caught her eyes. There was a handle attached to the floor.

Avu- What is this? (in mind) Is there a secret passage? I better not touch it now to avoid being questioned.

She waited for the night so that she can take a better look of it in darkness. In the daylight, the cctv cameras would catch her. 

With Sidshek:

Sid- Dada, we will meet them the day after tomorrow. They are celebrating their 10 years of being together.
Abhishek rolled his eyes followed by Siddharth.

Abhi- Are we going there?
Sid- They doesn't know we are the mafia's. Lets go there without masks and snatch their sleep.

Abhi- You mean we will threat them?
Sid- Finally you are becoming intelligent.

Abhi- I am elder.
Sid(stern)- So what?

Sid- But wait. Will you ask Vaishnavi didi to act like my girlfriend infront of them?
Abhi- I can understand you want to show her you have a gf but not Vaishnavi. She is mine.

Sid- So whose life can I risk? I know you won't let anything happen to Vaishnavi didi so she is the best  person.
Abhi- No, I will take her as my girlfriend. You find someone else. 

Sid(cold)- I have no one in my heart and most importantly after the act I can't risk their life.
Abhi- You have your "that girl"

Sid- You mean that girl? I... I mean Avneet?
Abhi- Why not she is here itself, so she is safe!

Sid- You have point but she has too much...
Abhishek cut his words.

Abhi- I am sleepy Siddharth, I am going to get a sleep, you go and complain to yourself in the mirror. I have heard the same thing since we met her. Good Night.

At Night:
Avneet switched all her lights off and tried opening the handle. But it wasn't opening. The darkness was another weak point. She roamed her hands hoping for the best.

Avu- Ah shit! The luck isn't by my side today.
She punched in in frustration.

Proofing her statement wrong the ground moved and she roamed her hands in the ground like a mad. She felt there is a hole for a key. 

Avu- Key? I can open it.

She took her pin and tried opening it and after three tries it opened. Her eyes sparkled in victory. She took out her pen torch and set it to dim light. 

Avu- Probably here is a tunnel. But to enter here I need light and then I will get caught. IDEA! What if I cover the cctv? Ugh! They are quite high and I need light to find me a tool and climb. 

She sighed.

Avu- Okay...I will just leave it for tomorrow. 

She yawned and laid down after covering up the box which acts as the ground.

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