Ch-12 (Helping Vaishbavi)

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Abhishek and Siddharth were having a talk.

Sid- Why don't you understand that your safety matters! The Siddharth Nigam won't fall weak unless it comes to his brother. If they catches you again?

Abhi- Listen my dear brother, she might help us trap her father better. Because she doesn't share a good relationship with him.

Just then they got a call.
Call- Sir, I got kicked out of the company. They are planning to shift their set up because we have tracked them. They kicked out all the new workers.

Sid- Okay, you still keep an eye from distance, will let you know your further moves.
Call ends.

Abhi- Siddharth, I have to go to Vaishnavi.
Sid- Can't we send our men?

Abhi- Once you fall in love, you will understand my situation. Till today I have never promised you anything which I didn't fulfill, so mark my words, I will be back; maximum two days.

Avneet sat on her bed in deep thoughts.

Avu- How did he enter, if the door was locked? He might have used spare keys, but why do I feel he came in a different way? There are a lot of mystery hidden in this room.

She walked from left side of the room to the right.
Avu- I should have my privacy too. What if I slept with just a lingerie and he came in?

She vigorously shook her head.
Avu- Holy Shit! I need to prepare something for Mr. Kidnapper.

She planned something and as the night came she prosecuted her plan. The maid has already given her food and thus she filled the mug and kept in above the door. If it would open, the person would directly get drenched to water.
She smirked.

Abhishek went to the location of their rival. He prepared 6 men to distract the guards. It went according to his plan. As the prepared men tried entering from different ways, they got caught and the system alerted.
Abhishek had their dress. He causally got mixed up and due to their masks no one recognized him. They were busy to the six men they caught.

He went to the security room to tell the controller to alarm the system but he beat him hard on his head and made the other one smell chloroform.

He set the system to stop the electricity after 7 minutes. Without wasting time he went to Vaishnavi's room. Her aunt recognized him as he showed his face and he went inside. She was in her bathrobe as she likes late night baths when their eyes met.

Vai- Who the...
Abhi- Vaishnavi, come with me quick! we don't have time.

She recognized him and was quite amused to speak. He shook his head in disbelief and fear of getting caught, so he held her hand and dragged her towards the door. As per his setting the lights went off and he took her from the way he put some lighted grains, which would glow only if Abhishek presses his remote.

Avneet waited for Siddharth to come so that she gets sure he entered from the door not any secret passage....she sat on her bed with her phone.

With Siddharth

Sid- I hope he is safe. After all he is my elder brother, he is more adamant than me. I feel sleepy now....I had a tough day.
He closed his eyes. But a face appeared.

Sid- Avneet! Why did she appear as I closed my eyes? Is she on my nerves that much? Anyways, totally her fault, she still shows me ego. And she also saw my and dada's face. So, I am not doing anything wrong caging her like this!

He paused for a while and smacked his head.

Sid- Since when I started judging if I am doing right or wrong! Fuck! She is really on my nerves!
He closed his eyes but her thoughts grabbed him again!

Sid- What the hell! This is because she has hurt my ego. Nothing else! Not doing the same mistake again!

He thought of his past and anger raised on him. He was feeling as if the world was spinning. He held his head and sat down.

With shaky hands he opened his drawer and gulped some pills. After a few minutes of his extreme condition his eyes closed as he fell asleep.
In the morning:

Vai- Stop....
She was gasping hard as she didn't ever run in her life like this.

Abhi- A little more, then you can get on my car.
Vai- Couldn't you park it here!

Abhi- Your father is much more powerful than you think.
Vai- Whatever. I can't run now, lets walk

They walked till where Abhishek's car was placed. She was about to sit in the back seat when he asked her to sit beside him on the passenger seat. She was too tired for running about 4 km, so she just sat. He smiled and began driving his car.
Avneet woke up rubbing her eyes.
She yawned/
Avu- Wait! Did I sleep! FUCK!

She glanced at the mug but it was in the same place.

Avu- Oh he didn't come.
Just then she heard the maid. She was there for her breakfast. Avneet was very sad because she thought she might find out if there is a secret passage, but he didn't come so she her plan was failed.

Avu- Yes come in..... NO WAIT!

Hearing her the maid opened the door and the water fell on her.

Avu- I am so sorry....Please don't tell about this to anyone.
Maid- I will complain to boss. That day you made me smell chloroform and now this! I am a maid that doesn't mean I don't have self respect.

Avu(in mind)- If he finds me suspicious and does research on me, I will get caught!

She hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

Avu- You are like my own mom, that day was my mistake aunt, I was kidnapped so I was out of my mind. Won't you have done the same if you were in my situation? And this wasn't for you, I swear. I am so so so sorry!

The maid though was pleased by her cute antic, but went out of the room in an angry manner.
"Last chance you silly girl!" She heard her as she left a deep breathe.

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