Ch-32(Cleared the Mess)

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The next morning:
Amandeep was sitting on their sofa reading the newspaper, Sonia was cooking and Jai was walking towards Avneet with his tippy toes to scare the poor figure that curled up on a comfortable cushion chair working on her laptop. 

"BHAW!" Jai screamed behind Avneet's ear to which she screamed ten times louder getting afraid to the sudden scream. 

Avu- Yeah you idiotic brat, how dare you! Don't you have any work huh? Why are you always behind me! I ....

Sonia shook her head of annoyance and yelled at her children who were though grown up but have always been acting like kids when with each other. 

Sonia- YOU TWO! Either stop your silly fight ruining the morning or get out of the house!
Jai smirked on victory as Sonia interrupted Avneet when she was busy scolding him. Avneet noticed his smirk and her blood boiled.

Avu- Mom, I am coming in a minute. YOU!
She pointed towards Jai. 

Avu(cold)- Come with me. 
Jai wanted to talk to her. He followed her. 

As they reached Jai's room, Avneet slapped his back to which Jai pulled her hair. 
They kept their argument low in terms of loudness:

Avu- You fucking moron, why the fuck did you scream!
Jai- Why bitch, did you get scared? 

Avu- I am older than you!
Jai- Shall I call you a grandma then? 

Before she could shot, Jai interrupted her. 
Jai- What happened the last night? 

Her anger faded to the memory of the last night. 
Avu- He came...
Jai- I know that stupid, give me the fucking details. 

Avu- Well, he escaped from the jail and I gave my food to him, and he told me that he will handle everything and settle the mess up soon. 
Jai(disappointed tone)- No romance? 

Avu- Dog!
Jai- Eww, then I have to say my brother-in-law is so boring. 

Her cheeks flustered. 
Avu- Yah! He isn't my husband. 

Jai- Well, soon. 
Avi- I don't even know his feelings. 

Jai- He didn't say anything last night!
Avneet and Jai though fights with each other 24*7, they are their best friends too. They can't hide things from each other. 

Avu- Ugh! Fine, he warned me not to accept the deal if the police man comes with the offer of me to marry his son. 
Jai- Then!!!!

Avu- And uh... He said they would be in his basement if I accept their offer. 
Jai- Oh my! Avu, you fucking bitch why did you intend to hide it! Can't you see he loves you? He clearly loves you idiot!

Avu- He gives me mixed feeling Jai...Why would he separate me from him if he loves me?

Jai- Maybe he wants you to be safe? Maybe he doesn't want you to get involved in these at this moment as your life may get into trouble? Maybe he will return to you after settling thing? 

Her cheeks heat up. What if Jai is right? 
Jai- Let's go and have the breakfast, you have skipped your dinner yesterday.

Siddharth went to the court's police station. It is the highest label of police in their state. Abhishek and Vaishnavi were there too. 
In the mean time the police have arrested the Mr. Rao and Mr. Nigam too. 

Police Officer- Are you all ready?
Siddharth nodded with affirmation. 

Various reporters who were waiting were called in and Siddharth along with his brother and Vaishnavi wore a face and eye mask for their safety. 
The judgement began. 

Siddharth presented the files that had the letters which Mr. Nigam had written once to their mother Anita. All these years Siddharth has gained the top position in the mafia's and he is the top for a reason. 
He managed to gather the call recording from the person who had mixed poison in her food when they were at a restaurant, and that led to her death without any disease. 
Abhishek and Siddharth told the judges and the higher police officials that they almost got killed by him and they had escaped from him somehow. 
It was proved that Mr. Nigam fooled their mom to get the company and then killed her. 

Judge- Do you have something to say Mr. Nigam?
Mr. Nigam- S-sir, my dear wife died because of a sudden stroke. That person who is claiming to mix poison is fake. 

The judge looked at Siddharth. 
Sid- When our mom left us, the technology was quite improved. But you used your brain to book a room without cctv cameras. But maybe you forgot that there is something called "call recording". The manager of the hotel has the call recording. 

The recording was played but the name of the manager or the hotel wasn't revealed due to their safety, even though they had committed a crime. 

Judge- Mr. Nigam, do you have any further explanation? 
He had his head hung low. Siddharth was ahead of time. He used much modern technologies to restore old call recordings. He could never think that Siddharth and Abhishek can do this to him, as he had totally planned to kill them too. He didn't have any more excuses. 

The police commissioner ordered his men to arrest him. The next part was explained by Abhishek. 

Abhi- Mr. Rao had claimed a case against "The Nigams." Well, I would like to reveal that we ourselves are the two heads of the biggest present mafia gang.

Abhi- But before you take an action, let us explain. Yes, my brother is the one whom you arrested yesterday through the minor branch and thus it was easier for him to escape. And he did it for a reason, he didn't run away. It would have been impossible for us to proof us right if he wasn't here today. That is why he escaped, I hope you will get our point. 
He gave the proofs all the deals Mr. Rao did giving the name of the Nigams. They had their men working in their company who had given all those proofs. The proofs were solid and real. 

Judge- Do you have anything to say Mr. Rao?
Mr. Rao- But, they stole my daughter. 

Abhishek's laughter caught everyone's attention. 

Vaishnavi walked up to the podium and removed her mask. Mr. Rao was shocked to see her. She smirked and revealed all the torture she faced since her childhood and how Mr. Rao had killed her mom and her sisters, but only kept her alive because she is beautiful and he wanted to sell her when she would grow up. 

Mr. Rao- I am your Father Vaishnavi!
Vai- Which duty of a father did you do huh? Love? Care? Protection? Yes, you treated me well and kept me alive because you had your profit in it. Do you challenge us to proof that you kept me alive to sell me and get some money? 

Mr. Rao was caught red handed too. 

Judge- The court asks that how did you get the proofs? 

Sid- Well Sir, we aren't the top mafia gang without any reason. We surely didn't harm the innocent, but we have our technologies set to the latest modified and fastest version of them. Our motive was to let out step dad get a punishment for his deed. If Mr. Rao didn't interrupt us, we would be here speaking against him, 
 There were specialists who were immediately checking the proofs and verifying them. The court took a while and the Nigams were proved true. 

The court arrested Mr. Rao and Mr. Nigam. Siddharth and Abhishek signed to leave the mafia forever. But they insisted to keep their promise a secret to the world as a lot of harmful people fears them and it have benefits.

It was telecast-ed on national channels as it was about the famous businessman of the country and one of the gang the nation fears. 
It also went viral in the social media. It was requested to people not to hate or blame Vaishnavi as she is innocent here. If she didn't show her face it wouldn't be possible to prove their point.  Siddharth and Abhishek's faces weren't revealed so they were comparatively safe. 

Avneet saw the news too. She was very proud and happy. She called Vaishnavi and the duo had a talk after long about being successful. Abhishek had a talk with her too. But none told her that Siddharth has planned to leave the profession of a mafia, because Siddharth wanted to keep it a secret. Maybe he had plans to reveal it in his own ways? 
In the last chapter, some of you might have felt offended because of Avneet's behavior to the police. Well, I am extremely sorry and I apologies for misleading you guys. My point of view was, that she was angry and when a person gets into their anger, they speaks their heart out. They doesn't have a control over their tongue. She wasn't mean to them. She was angry as they beat her lover (cuz, he is guilty) and wasn't leaving when she badly wanted to talk to him. I hope I could make myself clear. Sorry once again.


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